Vanilla's episode

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She'd do anything for this kid.

Vanilla sighed again as she walked back into the small room, handfuls of wrapping paper and presents that needed to be wrapped.
Vector had just dropped her back off at the hospital as he took Charmy and Cream to school.

Sonic was still asleep, so she quietly placed everything on the side, Tails following in.
The two watched the one sleeping for a bit, before the fox spoke up.
"He said he wants to die Vanilla"

"I.. don't think he means it like that sweetie" Vanilla softly spoke, Tails looking confused, "He wants to live, but knows that's not going to happen. He just doesn't want to be in pain anymore."
"I'm not giving up" Tails seemed determined, looking at his Miles electric, "and I've got some help"

"Who?" Vanilla wondered, as two tall figures walked in.
A middle age man, along with a much older man.

"Eggman? And.."
"Professor Pickle, at your service. Now, where is the boy?"
Without waiting for Vanilla's reaction, Tails pointed to the bed, "there"

"Wait, please. Don't wake him." The rabbit tried to convince, but the trio wasn't listening.
They woke him up, jumping straight to business.
Vanilla could just see the confusion on his face.

"Wait, Tails. Slow down a bit. What's going on? Why are these two here? Is Eggman... helping"
"Yes" Eggman seemed to laugh, "I started all of these, and now I think it's time I finally set things right"
"We" Stone came up behind him, nodding.
"And me too" another familiar face, a girl, stood with them

"Sage?" Sonic wondered, "Oh chaos I think I'm still asleep again"
"No." Sage nodded, "Father really has had a change of heart"

"My you're really pale aren't you my boy?" Pickle inquired, Sonic smirking slightly.
"What? This? Just living out my Black Parade Winter dreams" he sarcastically stated.

"Uh-ham"  Eggman cleared his throat, "Us three have been talking about your situation and have came to a conclusion that the limitors need to go"
Sonic sighed, "Yeah, I know. They just won't come off"

"Nonsense" the Egg scoffed, "My Grandfather invented limitors in aid of Shadow's powers. Do you really think he would hurt his own son?"
"Shadow gets them off when he pushes his powers to the limit. Then they snap. That time you teleported to save your friend? That was pushing them past the limit. That's why you felt ill after. If we can do that again.."

"Breakfast first" Sonic stated, getting up.
"We should really.."

"He said Breakfast first." Vanilla repeated Sonic's sentence, "You guys just barged in here, and started talking about powers and limitors and all that. Let him at least wake up"
"Yes I agree with the rabbit," Sage closed her eyes, smiling, "Sonic should still have plenty of time left. And breakfast is important. Besides, I would like to talk to him about 'Black Parade Winter'.

"Very well" Eggman stated, Tails seemingly annoyed.


"I'm so glad you're aloud to come out for a few hours now" Vanilla smiled as they sat at a table, "I don't think I could ever eat canteen food again"
"Real" Sonic laughed, feeling sick at the thought.

"Now. Sonic. We have important business" Sage sounded serious.
"What is you're favorite My Chemical Romance album?"


After a while, the rather large group ordered their food, Vanilla coming back to the table to find a new face sat there.

"And that is how the killjoys died" Blue finished. (If you ever want to summon Blue, just start talking about My Chemical Romance)
"Oh did you see those new figures?" Sonic pointed out, Sage pulling something out.

"You you mean these" she showed the two the figure of the Killjoys, Blue going to playfully snatch them
"Gimme those now"
The trio laughed, Sage holding them away.
"It's okay. Because I have this" Blue pulled out something from his bag. A plush of Party Poison, one of the characters from Danger Days, the three laughing again.

Vanilla had no idea what Sonic was talking and laughing about, but she happily smiled. At least he was happy.
She couldn't say the same for Tails, who was sat at the other side, looking bored and impatient.

"It's okay" she comforted.
"No it's not. My best friend's an emo"
"What? No not that!" She laughed, "I mean it's okay, I'm sure the plan will work."


As the day went on, the group found themselves cramping into that room Tails had been using.

"Ok. Now, we need you to push that power of yours to the limit boy" Pickle explained, taking a sip of tea.
"The phantom one that is" Eggman quickly stated.

"I can't just.. do it. The last time that happened there was danger. It was almost like an adrenaline reaction" Sonic reminded.
"Then we'll simulate that," Sage decided, taking Blue's plush, placing it on the floor.

"That's a civilian, I'm Abraham" she stated, before drop-kicking the Party Poison Plush into the wall
"Ah oh no I'm a big nasty G.U.N. soldier and I'm going to hurt this innocent civilian!"
"Yeah. Not working." Sonic shrugged, laughing at Sage's attempt.

"Oh no please"  the girl put on a play voice, the blue trying harder, "Don't hurt me. Don't make me relive the SING music video"
"No! Not the SING music video!" Sonic shouted, yes glowing more, pushing himself.


Vanilla looked concerned as his attempt became more and more harsh, causing him more and more pain.
"No, don't stop Sonic you're almost there! Just push! Feel the power flow!" Eggman shouted to him, and he nodded.

"To young"

He saw that face again. The face of the one he loathed.

"Too weak"

Sonic felt something he had never felt before. Like something was pushing him out of his body.
Both Tails and Eggman  noticed as well as a large scar started to imprint over his eye.
"Sonic.. STOP!" Tails push the blue, who fell over a bit.

"What?" He snapped back, the mark disappearing, "what's wrong?"
"Infinite.. tried to possess you.." Eggman noted, the two looking severe as Sonic came back to his senses, gasping. Half in terror, half trying to get his breath back.

"He must have seen it as a weak spot" Tails wondered to himself as Vanilla came over to Sonic, giving him a much needed hug.
"I think that's enough for today" she decided, Sonic nodding.

"But Sonic we away so clo-" Tails was cut of by Vanilla again.
"It's enough." Sonic decided, "I really appreciate you guys for trying, but... I can't. Shadow's way older and stronger then me. Not to mention more mature."

He didn't say anything else, but walked out the room, followed closely by Vanilla.

"I know they just want to save me but.." the blue said as they arrived back at his room, "there's just no chance. And I think trying has just made it worse" he yawned, laying down.
"Is it bad that I just want to sleep?"

"Not at all" Vanilla hid her tears. She was beyond devastated. Never did the caring mother think that she'd be here, comforting her dying son. She'd sworn to try to protect him from those nightmares. It didn't work. Soon he'd be gone. And the whole world would rejoice as she greaves her lose along side his friends and family.

And she wasn't ready for that day.

She never will be


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