Back to Station Square

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"We're coming in to land," a voice announced, causing Sonic to jolt awake, before remembering his status.

Soon the large helicopter landed, Sonic's neck being secured by two more chained collars before the chain restraints where removed and replaced by hand and leg cuffs, Abraham forcing him to his feet.
Man talk about police brutality the blue growled as he was pushed out, almost falling to the ground.

"Move rat," Abraham growled, shoving a taser into his back, smiling as he watched him limp.
"Stop!" Topaz grabbed his arm, but the commander just growled, "please, you're just hurting him! Hasn't he been through enough!"

"Fine then," the man held up a small gun, holding it to the blue's shoulder, "I shall knock him unconscious first," he fired it, and he fell to the floor, knocked out again.

"You know you can't keep doing that." She growled, picking him up, "And you know that's not what I meant," she finished as they walked into a room with a bed and a table with some small round items on.

"As you know," Abraham picked up one of the items, addressing the entire room of soldiers and scientists, "Some people are too sensitive," he glared over at Topaz, "So we have decided not to kill the rat. Instead, some dear friends of mine have created these that will go around his wrists and ankles and will absorb all energy into them, rendering it useless."

Topaz stayed by the unconscious Möbian's side while they snapped the permanent restraints on, stroking his fur.
It was soft, softer then anything she'd even touched, and so smooth. But yet, she could feel little bumps in his skin, and she frowned even more. Surely he can't be that scarred?

The poor kid didn't deserve any of this. He was only fourteen when he watched his whole life come tumbling down right in front of him. Only a kid when he experienced all that mistrust, betrayal, straight up cruelty, and yet here she was, supporting exactly that.

His blood was on her hands this time. She'd been the one pretending to get close to him.
"We're done here," Abraham barked, ordering her to take him to a cell.

"Sonic. You didn't deserve any of this, I really hope you can still find it in your heart to forgive me," she almost wept, holding him close.
All she could see herself as was Infinite, dragging his prisoner, cold, injured, terrified, wondering if anyone would save him from that terrible nightmare.

She was making him relive it all.

"Here we go," she whispered to the blue as she gently placed him on the floor as he woke up, "Someone's coming for you soon, I promise," and with that, she left

Sonic lay there, alone in the dark cold cell, his leg throbbing with pain and blood still pouring from his mouth.
He'd been left there, not even restrained, no medical attention at all. It was exactly like the Death Egg all over again.

That was when he heard the door slam open, but he still felt too weak to look.
"Come on," he heard a familiar voice, sounding disheartened, "let's get you out of here,"
Vanilla held out a hand, Blue standing somewhere behind her.

Waking out, he heard her talk to Topaz, "Thank you,"
"This way; and if they ask who told you, it wasn't me," she opened a door for them, leading to a car park, where the familiar people carrier was sat.

He sat himself in the front seat, Vanilla getting in and turning the engine on, stroking a hand up and down his arm.

"We're going straight to Ben's, okay?" He just nodded, looking out the window

Vanilla didn't even know what to say, her heart was in her stomach. She felt mad. How dare they treat him like this! The one who saved them 100 times over, the one they was sworn to protect. Her son, a child.


They soon reached the small medical centre, Ben stood outside waiting with his work partner Kai and his wife, Jennifer.

When the people carrier finally pulled up, Ben greeted them as they walked through the garden.
"And if you don't mind, you're going to stay here for a few days," he explained to Sonic, who was nodding, "Just to make sure that they didn't do anything else to alter your body. And of course to give you time to recover physically and mentally," he smiled.

"Come on, I'll show you the rooms," Jen offered, taking the shook-up Möbian into the clinic and up the stairs to a large hallway.

"In here," she beckoned into a room, Sonic following, before gasping in awe at the room.

He was expecting a standard hospital room, but this was beautifully decorated room, with a large adjustable bed in the middle, sofas and a large tv to one side, and a wonderful windowsill with plants.

"The book on the bed is for written communication, just press the red button on the wall if you need anything," she watched him write something down, handing it over.

Where's Blue

"Oh, he's gone to rest as well. I'm sure you'll see him again tomorrow," she smiled, before dismissing herself.

Sonic looked around the room some more, discovering an old Xbox and box of games, books and coloring equipment.

But all he wanted to do was rest, so he climbed into the bed, surprised at how soft it was.
Wow, Ben must really be passionate about his patients. He thought as he traced a finger over one the cuffs on his arms, before turning over.

He didn't want to think about today, at all, and how all of that effort everyone had gone through to keep him safe was wasted.

But at least I'm back home. And Cream and Charmy can start school and not miss anything out I guess. I bet they missed their friends. He curled up into a ball, slowly drifting into a much deserved sleep.

Tales from the Phantom volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now