How It Feels To Be... Ignored?

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  "And you guys are definitely going to be okay?" Vanilla asked again in her nice dress, and the bee and rabbit just nodded.

"We're going to build a tent and watch a movie and eat popcorn!" Charmy exclaimed.
"Just don't come downstairs," Cream asked again, and Vanilla nodded,

"Yes dears" the mother rabbit nodded, "I promise it's not a fun party at all and.. wait. Where's Sonic?"

"Oh, he's asleep on the couch,"
"Yeah, he had some fight with Eggman earlier," Cream informed.

"He really should still be resting," Vanilla tutted as the doorbell sounded, "Oh that would be the first guests! Go on then you two, have fun,"

"Almond!" Vanilla seemed ecstatic, "It's been so long!"
"Vanilla!" The other rabbit responded by hugging her, "It's so good to see you sister!"


"Oh! Who's this?" Almond referred to the one asleep on the couch.
"Oh, that's Sonic," Vanilla smiled, "He's old enough to join in if he wants, just don't disturb him right now. He had surgery recently and needs rest,"

The two went to the kitchen, Almond helping putting some food out, "Who is he?" She asked.
"Sonic? Is he a distant cousin or something?"

"Oh no, he's my child," Vanilla smiled, Almond surprised.
"You didn't tell me you adopted!" She almost shouted, "That's amazing,"


It wasn't long until everyone had arrived, at this point the blue had awoke.

"It this the kid you was talking about! Oh she's adorable!" One of Vanilla's friends started fussing over Sonic, stroking his head.
"Hey, no no.. that's no-"
"Oh I know!" Almond interrupted, "I mean, look at his wittle face!"

"Ok... please stop n-"

This went on for a good twenty minutes before someone shouted:
"Food's ready!"

And then they finally left, Sonic going to get some food as well, but even then, they kept pushing him out of the way.
He didn't think that they was meaning to do it, he was short, but still, it was frustrating, especially when everyone seemed to ignore him.

"Mum.." he trailed off, finding the rabbit in the kitchen, "Can you help me get some food?"

"Oh yes dear just a second," Vanilla getting some glasses out, while her sister smiled.
"Aw, too small to reach the table?"
"I remember when my little one started reaching the table, couldn't get them out of trouble," another laughed, "It's adorable to see him try,"
"It really is-"

"So cute and precious," Almond interrupted again.
"Please st-"
"Come on, what's the issue?" Vanilla asked,the two walking back to the table.

"I can't get to the table," he blushed.
"Oh! Ok, hang on." Vanilla barged her way through, leaving Sonic stood alone.

"Hey," another one of Vanilla's friends asked, holding a crying baby, "What happened to your side?"
"Oh it was j-"
"I bet you tripped over, didn't you?"
"No it's-"
"It looks like it was a pretty bad accident,"
"Actually, n-"
"Did it hurt much?"
"Ah for-"

"Hey," Vanilla walked back in, "I got you some. It's chili and rice, along with some corn,"
"Aw, couldn't get it yourself could you?" The friend said again.

"That's it, I'm going upstairs to my room," Sonic finally said, rushing up.

"Oh," Vanilla thought, turning back to her friend, "Do you know what happened?"
"Well.." she cradled the baby, "I asked her what happened to her side, and that was it,"

"Wait, you did listen to what he said, right?" Vanilla questioned, but she shook her head.
"Not really.. but sh-"
"Right! Stop there," Vanilla seemed pretty mad. "Ok, first of all, it's he. And he's not a little kid! He's 16 for Chaos sake! Not a little 'baby' or a 'cutie' And perfectly capable of looking after himself. I just had to get his food because non of you would shut up and listen to him!"

"16? But he doesn't seem like it, why is he r******d or something?"
Vanilla whipped her head round at whoever said that.
"What's going on in here?" Vector came in, ready to defend his partner.

"Turns out that everyone's been babying Sonic, calling him cute and stuff." Vanilla sighed, Vector shaking his head in disappointment.

"I'll go talk with him," the croc decided, walking up the stairs.


"No one understands," the blue looked in his mirror on his desk, "No one,"
"Hey kiddo," Vector opened the door slowly, "You ok in here?"

"They won't listen to me," he thought back the emotions, "It's just like when I was a kid. No one listened to me and because I couldn't talk they all just assumed I was dumb, and it doesn't help when I look years younger then what I am,"
"Oh," Vector realized, "That's awful kid."

He looked around the room, also realizing that this was the first time he's been in the room besides when helping him move out.
"I didn't realize you was such a big Sleeping with Sirens fan,"

"Yeah, they're my favorite group,"
"Well, which song's your favorite?"
"Huh? Oh, well, Do It Now Remember It Later, but Complete Collapse is my favorite album"

"Good choice. I like If You Can't Hang, but I guess dramatic breakups don't do it for you," Vector laughed, the blue chuckling.

"I get it kiddo. I had a hard time growing up as well. I was too loud and big and boisterous for the other kids," he admitted, "So, I decided to surround myself with people who accept me for who I am, like Vanilla"

"Besides Longclaw, Tails was the first one who ever just took me as I was, he didn't care if I didn't speak, or if I was too hyper," Sonic smiled, "But some people just.. don't listen. They say they do, but saying and doing are two different things,"

"Well, I don't mind if you stay here, in fact, I might stay here. And I'll listen," Vector smiled.

And so he explained everything, Vector listening intently.

Come to think of it, this was the first time he'd spent time with Sonic as his son.

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