I only went in for some ice amd came out with three villians

25 0 7

Sonic sighed as he looked in the freezer.
No ice.

It was either go back to bed with no ice or rush to the 24/7 store a few streets away.
Looking at the clock, it read around three am.
Heh. I'll only be a few minutes anyway. He dashed out the window, reaching the store in only a few mere seconds.

But walking in, he completely missed the black van parked outside.


"Right, ice, ice, ice.." he went along the giant freezers, stopping when he finally found it, "There you are,"

"So we grab the money and get out of here,"
"Oh, and these snacks as well!"

"Huh?" His ears flexed, and he slowly inched across the isle, peering at the three voices, all dressed in black, with weapons.
Robbers? Sonic wondered, Where's the worker? He rushed quietly to the counter, accidentally tripping over a can.

"Did you guys hear that?" The leader smirked, "fresh meat,"

Sonic reached the check out, looking over a counter to find the poor under payed worker tied up on the floor with tape over his mouth,

"It's ok now, I'm here. I'll sort these crooks out and then.." Sonic stopped, realizing the worker was struggling to tell him something.

"What?" He felt a pair of cold hands grab him, and reacted quickly.
"Look boss! I got it and... ahh!" They just as quickly dropped the hedgehog, "It fucking bit me!" The person cried, the leader watching as the blue rushed of to the security room.

"Get it!" They screamed at the other, and they dashed down after him.
"Come here you rat!" They looked around, no sign of him, "Where did ya go?" They saw something blue and furry sat at the end of the isle.

"Got ya!" They grabbed it, threw it to the ground, only to realize that it was just a stuffed toy.

"Enough Playing around!" They pulled out their gun, pointing it in every direction, "Show yourself! Or I'll shoot!"

"He's up there you idiot!" The leader shouted, pointing to the blue sat on the top of the shelves, laughing at the confused person.

"Oi! Pest!" They shot, hitting the wall just besides Sonic.
"Woah, that was a little close," He breathed.

"Why don't you come down here or I'll-"
Bam! A can of sweetcorn hit them hard on the head.
"Oh-oh! You've really done it now, rat!" They started to climb the shelves, "Come er!"

"Oh boy," Sonic thought at the shelves became unsteady, jumping to the next isle just as they fell, the criminal going with them.

"Hah!" He laughed, "Catch me if you can,"
The person got up, fuming, knocking into the next isle, which started to topple.
But Sonic nimbly jumped to the next, but that one toppled like a giant domino.

So he jumped from isle to isle.
"Really? This is nothing? I could do this all da-" that was when he got over confident and lost his footing, falling in between the isles.

Ouch, he got up, noticing red, and he had to stop himself from gasping Oh boy that's not good that's a lot of- wait.. he looked closer, eyeing the open can nearby, reading Canned Tomatoes
Thank Chaos. He heard footsteps, and decided that playing dead was his best option
"Check that it's dead," the leader sneered, and the one he'd bit checked down the isle, the limp body and pool of red good enough for them.
"Oh it's dead alright!"

"Good, now, destroy the evidence"


Sonic heard the group laughing as they left, before smelling smoke.

"Oh no!" He leapt up, rushing to the front to help the worker out, helping to untie them.
"Is their anyone else in there?" He wondered as they made it out, sitting the worker on the grass.

"No, just me," the worker coughed, "I told the manager something would happen but-" he stopped, worked up.
Sonic handed him his phone.
"Call the police and firefighters," he explained as he ran off.


"That rat didn't stand a chance,"
"Stupid thing-"
"Keep your eyes on the road,"
"I am,"
"I AM!!"
"Watch out!"

The leader of the gang quickly took the wheel, swerving into a ditch after something had suddenly walked out into the road.
"Clearly. Non of you was watching the road! Now go check what it was," they ordered as one of the sidekicks looked out the window, gasping.

"Uh oh! Boss... it's him from earlier," the crook reported, and the leader sighed.
"Didn't YOU check that it was dead?"
"Yeah, well, I did. But he's alive now."

"Ahem. It's called acting," he rolled his eyes, sitting on the grassy bank with a sassy grin.
"Why you little.. I ought to shoot you and turn you into a coat!" The leader growled, holding their gun up.

"That's quite enough said!" A voice from behind the leader said, and they turned around to find the police surrendering them, already arresting the two team mates.

"What no I never-"
"You're coming with us," the officer secured their hands behind their back, walking of, "You know, we've been on your case for a long time,"

"Thanks again," an officer walked over, holding a hand out for a handshake.
"It's cool," the blue took it, just as he spotted Vanilla running over.

"Oh thank chaos there you are!" She rushed over and hugged her son, "When I saw you wasn't in your bed I thought you'd gone on a run, but then I smelt the smoke and.." she thought for a bit, "Well, wherever danger is, you're probably there to."

"I only went for some ice," he explained, letting Vanilla check him over.
"You're covered in tomato," she realized, "Come on, let's go home and you can have a shower," she smiled as they walked by the shop that had he firefighters had managed to put out, relieved that he was safe and not at all burned.

This kid is going to be the death of me

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