Bring you Back (to the start)

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Aghhh!" Sonic held on to the building with one and for dear life, holding a half-conscious Cream in the other. Below them was fire, they'd be little-to-no survival if they fell.

Sonic's blinked at the figure of Metal Sonic in front of him through blurry vision. His eye had been injured earlier from the Metal Faker himself.

"Oh, hey there buddy," Sonic greeted, "Look, listen. I know that you're mad at me for some reason, but please, help me out here! If not me, at least my sister!" He was practically pleading, Metal glaring into his eyes.
"Please Metal. I can't loose her, and Vanilla needs her."

The robot stared into his eyes, before sharply grabbing his hand


9 months earlier

There was a few thing Vanilla had learnt about Sonic in the few days he'd stayed with them.

1.He was extremely accident prone

2.He absolutely loved music

3. He was extremely accident prone... oh wait, I already said that.

Vanilla had also been surprised by the amount of blankets and pillows he had brought, and more so at the fact of that he slept with a lot of them.
And Vanilla thought she had a lot.

Vanilla had decided that today was going to be the day that she helped him get his room together. It was New Year's Eve, and she wanted him to feel welcomed in it.
But suddenly, he dashed out the door.

"Bye, gotta go save Station Square from Eggman... again... for the 1'000 time... boy it gets old sometimes..." he yelled, running down the street.

"Wait, Sonic! Let me come dear!" She followed him in the car, Cream coming as well, "I want to see what happens!"


Vanilla was quite shocked at how brutal the fight got.

"Ha! Got any more ideas in that Egg-brain of yours?" Sonic taunted.
"Grr! More ideas then you'll ever have you two-brain celled runt!" Eggman shouted, the arm of his robot grabbing Sonic and shoving him into a wall, Vanilla crying out.

"No! Don't hurt him! Sonic, please! Just leave it be!" She called, Eggman agreeing.
"Now there's an idea! Why don't you run back to mummy crying and I'll let you go!" He taunted, Sonic smirking, Eggman pushing harder.

"You're going to break his ribs!" Vanilla cried again.
"No mother! He does this a lot, I've seen him! Sonic always wins!" Cream convinced her, just as Tails rushed into the scene with his Tornado, blasting the robots arm with his laser.

"Hey Tails! Thanks for the save!" He jumped onto the biplane's wings.
"So, what's the plan?" Tails questioned, circling the Egg a few times.

"Oh, you know. Destroy the Egghead's toy robot, scramble the Egg himself, grab a chili dog, and watch the last sunset of the year," he summed up, diving of the wing.

"Hm. Now that sounds like a plan. Good to see you back in action, pal." Tails whispered, remembering all that he had endured this year. Boy, was he glad it was almost over.

Tails watched as his brother defeated Eggman with a few mere spin dashes. He's gotten stronger. He looked across to the G.U.N., who was whispering to themselves, nodding at him. This concerned Tails a bit.

"Ha! Told you I'd be fine, didn't I?" He ran back to Vanilla, "Another Eggman idea has bitten the dust!"
The rabbit smiled at how happy he seemed as he high-fived Tails and Cream, the three laughing and joking.

"Sonic.." Topaz walked over, sighing, "Can you come here.." she gripped the dart gun tighter behind her back, loaded with tranquilizers.
"Yeah sure, what's the problem? Another gang you need me to catch?" He smiled, his tail wagging a little in excitement, his eyes dancing like the Stars in the Sky.

Topaz lessened her grip on the dart, sighing again whilst looking into his eyes, "It's.. nothing.. just.. you did a good job there. And you're bleeding a little.." she stuttered, Sonic looking at his cut.

"Oop! Didn't even see that one there! It's cool, just the price you pay for protecting the innocent!" He smiled again, Vanilla rushing over.

Topaz sighed again as she watched Vanilla fuss over her son, making sure that he was ok, and she teared up a little.
I can't do it to him! He doesn't deserve this, he hasn't done a thing wrong. I wish there was some way around it...

"Topaz. That was an order, why didn't you do it?" The head ran over, mad.
"Sir, please, let's wait until the new year. He's been through so much on this year already."

"Hm. Ok," the head agreed, watching them.

"Come on, let's go get you one last ice latte before the new year," Vanilla offered, the blue quickly agreeing.


Later that night, a few minutes before the new year, Tails turned to his friend, who he could tell was feeling nervous.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Me? Yeah," Sonic looked up at the Winter sky, "Just a lot of emotions yet I'm not sure how I feel,"

This is when Amy joined in, "That's ok. We both know what you mean. Your excited, along being nervous and maybe even a little scared,"
"Yeah, something like that," he mumbled, "It's been a difficult year, I can't believe it's almost over. Is it over? I never thought it would end," he sighed.

"What if this year is worse?"

"Then we'll deal with it, together." Tails smiled, Amy nodding, the two moving closer to him.
"Thanks guys," he smiled, assured that he'll always have them, no matter what.

That was when the countdown started.


"Happy New Year!" They all shouted in unison as the fireworks and music started.

"And just like that, the years over," Sonic whispered, watching Vector and Vanilla dance.

"You good?" Tails asked again.
"Yeah. Whatever this year throws at us, we'll take it, day by day," He smiled again, the fox returning it,

Is that really it?

Tales from the Phantom volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now