Start from the beginning

As we went into the hallway that contained the bathrooms, the creepy guy followed, and he leaned against the wall.

Leo was about to walk into the men's washroom, but I quickly gripped his shirt.

He raised his eyebrows at me in confusion.

"I-I wanna use this bathroom." I breathed out nervously.

"Chiara what's wrong?" He asked again, his voice was more serious this time.

"Nothing, I just don't like the women's bathrooms, because- because they aren't as well kept as the men's?" I awkwardly laughed; I loosened the grip on his shirt as I realized it was still in my hand.

I think men are a lot messier and that was the worst lie I have ever lied. Way to go me.

His eyes searched mine and he obviously didn't believe me, but he let me follow him into the men's bathroom.

As I walked into the bathroom some guys gave me a very weird look to which I quietly, awkwardly laughed, "Women's bathrooms are closed."

I quickly locked myself in one of the few stalls, as I didn't quite care to see what they had to say. I tried to catch my breathing.








There was a knock at my stall door, and I saw black shoes.

I screamed louder then I intended too.

"Principessa?" A worried voice asked, Leo's voice.

Oh wait, Leo has black shoes too.

I sighed out in relief and unlocked the stall's door, to see a concerned Leo.

His strong arms engulfed me into a hug, "Sweetheart, please tell me what's wrong, please." He practically begged.

"I-I." I hesitated to say, I don't want to stress or worry Leo about this creep.

"I think I'm being followed." I whispered.

There was a pause. Leo's eyes scanned the room, his arms still wrapped around me.

"What are they wearing, principessa?" Leo softly asked.

"He's wearing all black." I whispered again.

He kissed the top of my head, "There's nothing to worry about, I will take care of it, nothing will happen to you, my princess." He reassured.

"I will call Julias and Elias to come and take you home, I will handle it okay, love?" He softly said as he reached into his back pocket for his phone.

"I will also get you some take-out, anything in mind?" He whispered softly.

"Anything is fine."

"Okay, principessa."

A blush tinted my cheeks as I realized some guys were staring at us, as Leo began calling them, I tugged the bottom of his shirt.


"Can we call them outside?" I said giving him a half smile.

He nodded, and we began walking out of the bathroom, his hand was still on my back, and it never left until the rest of my cousins and two of my brothers came to get me.

"When I get back, we can watch a movie and eat the food together, okay, principessa?" Leo said softly as he ruffled my hair.

I nodded, at least I won't be eating pizza. I can also paint the seashells and give them to him during the movie!

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