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It doesn't take a huge brain to see that the boy is dead. He's not breathing, he's wounded, etc. It also doesn't take much thought to recognize that I did it. I'm standing next to him, breathing heavily, looking at his body leaned against the tree.

And Jane is no fool.

"ELL- oh, there you are. You're dad is looking for you!" She exclaims. She comes running up to me.

Jane isn't exactly my friend, but she is relatively kind to me. She was fine with me using some of her clothes, and fine with me using her shampoo and stuff. Or at least so she told me- but I have no reason not to believe her.

As she sees me standing next to a body, however, her eyes widen.


I turn around to face her. "It's- it's not what it looks like... really..."

I smack my face mentally. Of course it's what it looks like. What else would it be?

Whatever. It's not like Jane hasn't killed before. It's not like there's anyone in the mansion who hasn't killed before. And now I'm included. I've killed someone, and I can't take it back. Even an idiot can see that.

Jane walks up next to me, staring down at the body. "Jane..." I start to say, but then hesitate. Will she even listen to me? Well... it's worth a try, anyway. "Please don't tell anyone. Not... not even my dad.."

She turns back to me. "What? But... I mean... I feel like he needs to know, at least..."

"No," I say firmly. Hopefully Jane can tell how serious I am about this. "I don't want him to know. I understand that people kill here... but... " I sigh. "I don't want him to be worried or anything, or think that I did it for... a reason."

"Did you, though?" Jane asks. "Did you kill him for a reason?"

"Well... yes. But I don't want him knowing that. Or else he'll investigate me or something."

"Understandable... he probably already knows, though."

I turn to Jane, shocked. "What do you mean, 'he already knows'?"

She laughs a bit. "He knows basically everything that happens in this forest... it's scary, really."

"B-but- well, maybe he does... but perhaps he'll think... it was you who did it..?" I ask. I really hope Jane understands what I'm asking right now..

"You want me to pretend that I was the one to kill the boy?" She asks, an eyebrow raised. I nod frantically. She just shrugs. "Ok... I can try, I guess.." Jane proceeds to take off her hoodie. "Here. We can switch hoodies. There's some.. blood on yours."

I nod and take hers, handing her mine. Her hoodie is a bit big on me, but I don't mind. She bends down and picks the knife up from next to the boy.

"Here.." she says, holding the handle of the knife in front of me. "Take it."

"Just.. give it to me later. I don't want him being suspicious."

"Got it," she nods, shoving the knife into her- well, technically my pocket. Together, we walk back to the mansion. I rush to my shower, hoping to not be noticed by my father. Luckily, I make it without anyone seeing me- only a couple of raised eyebrows from Jeff and Ben.

I take a quick shower and then change into some new clothes (a purple hoodie, black sweats, and a black tshirt), secretly tossing Jane's hoodie into her room.


The next day, I find myself with nothing to do. I walk through the hallway and sit on the large couch. Jeff, Ben, Toby, and Hoodie are all playing video games together. I've never asked to join yet, and to be honest, I don't think I plan on. They seem pretty content playing on their own. I just need something to distract me from what just happened. I don't really want to think about it.

They don't acknowledge me as I sit down. All the pillows are thrown to one side, so I choose to sit on top of them. I look up at the TV. Looks like they're playing that same racing game again.

"GOD, DAMNIT!" One of them suddenly scream. I turn and see it's Toby. I laugh a bit. He suddenly turns around and notices me. "Oh, Ellie! Uh... you wanna play?" He says, offering me the controller.

"Oh, uh, no... I'm good," I say.

"Alright then," he shrugs, then turns back to the TV. Maybe that's my sign to go? But I don't exactly know where to go. Back to my 'family', maybe?

I sigh. I know I shouldn't. But... I just can't help it. This time, I find that I can't teleport. Whatever. I put my shoes on (Slenderina's shoes, technically- but they're just sneakers, so she decided to give them to me) and step outside.

It's not cold enough for a coat, but I'm still a bit chilly. I walk through the forest, trying to navigate. I should go back. I really should. But I've already started walking... may as well see it through.

I continue walking until I eventually come across a clearing- I know it's right near where my backyard was. I exit the forest, and sure enough, I'm back in my old backyard. Right next to my old swingset. Oh, how I wish I could just sit down on my swing and forget all of this. Pretend I'm still a child, living at this house.

But I can't.

I walk up through the forest to the road- I just know they'll be suspicious if I were to be in their backyard without permission. They were always nice, but wouldn't appreciate someone on their property without their knowledge. So I walk up to the driveway, pretending that I was just walking by.

The family, I realize, is inside. I can see them. They're all having lunch together, laughing. God, could this day even get any worse?

I know I should go back. But I can't. I walk down the street. My sadness bubbles through my veins, turning into a strange anger. Helplessness. Hopelessness. My family- who I spent years with- is there without me. It seems so wrong and so dumb how wrong it is. I never asked for this. But this, this is what happened...


I rush to the forest, crying, I can't stop myself. Of course, to my own luck, there is a man walking through the forest. I know what I want to do. I don't have a knife- but perhaps I don't need one. It's a grown man, but he seems tired, disoriented. I can get him. I smile a bit. But then I hear a voice in my head.

Don't do it, Ellie...

I immediately freeze. I know it isn't real. But it sounds just like my mom from before. My mom that I loved and cared about and who loved and cared about me.

I stand there, shocked, still. I sob, my throat hurting. The man, fortunately, doesn't take notice. He's walking away. It's now or never...

But something stops me. I'm not sure what. At first, it's just my instincts- I know, telling me not to go through with this. Then suddenly, I start to feel dizzy. Nauseous. It's not that bad at first, but it gets worse, and soon I feel the need to be sick.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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