A Book

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After Slenderman left, I decided to look for a book. I have nothing better to do, so I decided that it would be best to just try and pass some time. There is no chance that I would be able to escape yet, after all...

I sit on Jeff's bed (it took me about thirty minutes to find it, before Jeff finally found me and laughed hysterically before eventually showing me the way, and grunting as we got there out of annoyance) and read the book that I found. I had grabbed a couple of books. Surprisingly, there were a number of little children's picture books. There were also some long chapter books that I had managed to find, some of which I knew. None of the books were organized at all, so I just resorted to looking through random shelves.

I also grabbed a book that claimed it held ways to escape from a maximum security prison (maybe I could use that... just maybe) and a book that was about ways to lie and how to appear more honest (just... hopeful thinking) and then finally a book about different Creepypastas. After flipping through a couple of pages, I managed to find "Jeffrey (Jeff) Woods", and I could only assume that I'm at a house full of Creepypastas... whatever the hell those are.

I lay back into the pillow, trying my best to feel comfortable. It is a bit hard, considering that Jeff's bed is not very comfortable, and his pillows are a bit hard. But still, it is most certainly better than nothing, and I should not be complaining considering the dangerous conditions that I am in.

I have not gotten a chance to fix my injuries yet- I've just been limping and hoping for the best. Of course, I'm a lot cleaner now and hopefully won't get infected, but I'm still clearly injured. I know that I need a cast. Maybe even crutches. But considering where I am right now, I can tell that getting anything like that is a pretty thin chance.

I flip through a couple pages of a random chapter book. It was not very interesting, nor was it very good. It just seemed like a depressing teenager tragedy. Like what's happening to me, but at least it is twenty times more boring.

Careful to not hurt my hand, I gingerly place the book on the side of the bed. I figure that if Slenderman says I am going to sleep here, then I probably am supposed to. And I figure that if I'm allowed to, then I will.

I lean back and close my eyes.

I wake up with a start, realizing that I never really meant to deeply dose off. I just wanted to take a quick nap before Slenderman would call me again- before he left, he told me that it "wasn't over" and I'm still going to do a couple more "tests."

Almost as if he was reading my mind from afar, there is a wisp of dark smoke and he appears right in the doorway. I scream.

"Apologies for waking you," he says. "There are a few more tests that I still need to do on you. If you're ready, I ask that you meet me in my office in ten minutes. I will be waiting there."

I nod, and almost forget to ask where the office is. But just like he was reading my mind-

"Oh. And the office is right there if you go down the right hallway then go to the left."

I nod once again, and stand up right as he teleports away. I wish I was his daughter, so I could actually just teleport. Man... that would be helpful right now.

I figure that if I start walking there, then it would probably take about ten minutes. Not only are the rooms and hallways huge enough to fit a giraffe, but the house is also ginormous.

The bed creeks as I slide off of it and then go into the hallway. I was right- walking all the way down the right hallway will probably take me about five minutes- especially considering my current condition.

As I finally get to the end of the hallway, I suddenly notice something- there's a little room- a room that seems it is designed for a kid. I suddenly wonder if there are any kids here. And if so, has Slenderman suspected little kids of being his daughters? Was he just trying to use hospitality to lure people here? It would obviously work on little kids. 

Has he been using hospitality to lure me in?

Am I letting down my guard too much?

I finally turn to the left and then see his office. I'm early, luckily- I guess I overestimated how long it would take. But I already see him in there, so I figure that I'll just go in.

But before I go in, I notice him talking to someone- they seem to be arguing. The person who he is blocking from my view is also very tall. They both talk in whispery voices. However, the person who he is talking to has more of a feminine voice. Are they related? Has he already found his daughter? Is he going to kill me now...?

With one final word, the feminine whispery voice person teleports away. Slenderman turns around.

"Ah, you're early. That's good," he says. I nod, not sure of what to say. "Well then in that case, shall we begin?"

The next few hours pass in a blur. He just asks me more questions. He says that this is only "stage 1" of the process. He says that "stage 2" will be a little bit more extreme. I'm a bit worried for that.

Finally, he says it's time to move on from stage 1. He asks me to sit down, so I sit across from him.

"Great. Thank you for that." He charts a couple of things down. I shiver. This feels almost just like somewhat of a highschool interview- where they're constantly writing things down that are all about you. "Now we will move on to stage two. I'm just going to ask you to stand up. This is simple, but it might hurt a bit. Just tell me if it does, and we can stop."

I nod and stand up, wobbling a bit.

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