Carried away

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I open my eyes to feel several hands wrapped around me, making it slightly hard to breathe. The wind is whistling through my ears, and I feel at least several little pinpricks from thorns all over my skin. Occasionally, my head hits a branch and blackness dots my vision as I try to recover while still being carried.

After my mind recovers slightly, I'm able to make out that I'm in the woods- at night. Am I getting kidnapped? KILLED?!

The people carrying me seem to never get tired, as they just keep on running at a fast pace nonstop. Even I, who is stuck in their grasp helplessly doing nothing, am exhausted.

It suddenly occurs to me that I should try to escape. I try my best to push off of the hands of one of my captors, and after not succeeding I start flailing and wiggling around, screaming, trying to get out of their tight grasp. However, even despite my best efforts of punching and kicking and yelling and screaming, I am still held as tight as ever, practically flying through the air. Flying that does not feel good at all.

"Jeff," one of them, a woman's voice, suddenly says. "Are we almost there? She's probably going to start biting your hand soon, you know, and you'll scream."

"Shut up, Jane, you bi-"

"Jeff. Be quiet," the woman voice, assumably Jane, says.

"YOU ASKED ME IF WE'RE ALMOST THERE! I'm TELLING you if we're ALMOST THERE!" The voice who is most likely Jeff exclaims. He seems to have a slightly muffled voice, which is also actually similar to Jane's.

I hear one of them sigh- I don't know who, maybe it's both of them- and then they carry on the silence for another 10 minutes.

Suddenly, they drop me. This is not the first time this has happened. The first time, however, I tried to escape- I completely failed miserably. I'm a fast runner, don't get me wrong- but I'm probably not in the best state to do much running at the moment. I fell, and the hands immediately scooped me up and continued to carry me. My attempted escape was all for quite a few scratches to the knees and huffs and puffs. At this point, after being dropped again, I feel like I may as well be dead.

Voices start to carry on, but I ignore them. I don't know if they're my imagination or real- I can't tell. Everything just hurts way too much to even care. I probably injured myself somewhere back there- whether it was from a fall, or their hands grasping me too hard- because I know that at least one of my limbs hurt like shit. I just can't tell which one. They all hurt enough that it's hard.

Finally, after what feels like one million years, Jeff, Jane, and whoever else might be carrying me skid to a stop. My whole body shakes and rocks back and forth- or at least I think it does. And then suddenly, I'm dropped again. The impact causes me to bite down on my lip hard enough for me to scream (that is if I hadn't lost my voice sometime while screaming before). Every single one of my scratches and wounds are reopened. My bruises expand. Whatever I injured feels like it's about to fall off. I feel and see that the blackness that has been coming across my vision, threatening to completely stomp it down, is slowly closing in on me, causing me to fall into a deep, deep, sleep- I faint, and somehow even my body making the effort to faint hurts like hell.

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