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It's a quiet, autumn night. Some of the leaves are falling- there are hints everywhere in the backyard of summer leaving. I sigh as I sit down on my green swing, hanging from old, mossy wood.

Trying to throw the events of dinner away, I push off of the ground and start swinging, pumping my legs to where I can go higher and higher. It's cloudy and darkish, the sun just starting to set behind the trees. It is a bit cold, but not cold enough for me to grab a jacket, so my skin under my sweatshirt and t-shirt is being hit by the light wind. It would be relaxing, if it weren't for the fact that I had just been part of yet another bad family dinner which caused my mom to yell and my great phone to be taken away for 2 days- unless my mother extends the punishment, which seems to be entirely possible given by how upset she sounds and seems.

I swing higher and higher, the swing slowly reaching it's limits, starting to sort of creak and bounce once I get too high. I don't care. Perhaps I'll just accomplish my childhood dreams of somehow wrapping the swing around the top board of the swingset while I am on it. Maybe I'll fall and hit my head, but oh well.

I suddenly hear a slight rustle from behind me in the bushes. I immediately start to slow down, slowly getting to a place where I can jump off from the swing. Once I finally do, my feet hurt from the sudden impact, and I am once again left alone next to my swingset.

I grab hold of the A-shaped plank assemble that helps to hold the whole swingset together and sigh, leaning against the extremely mossy and brownish wood. This whole day seems very pointless and stupid indeed. If only I could just skip days, I think to myself.

Eventually, I sit on the medium yellow disc and wrap my legs around the green rope in the middle of one of my other swings that I can spin around and around in circles on until I feel like I'm going to faint.

With one hand, I hold onto the rope and with the other I fish my phone out from my pocket. There are three main reasons that I came out here- one, so I could take a break from my family. Two, because it's one of the only things that I really enjoy besides my phone. And three, so perhaps I could finish up a few last minute texts before my mom possibly discovers me with my phone and takes it away.

After a few texts, I finish some streaks on snapchat and claim some streak rewards on a couple of my video games. Finally, I drop my phone back into my hoodie pocket and continue to spin around in dizzying circles.

I spin for who knows how long, until I hear another rustle in the bushes. It's just the wind, idiot, I remind myself. Like, literally, it isn't a fox or anything.

I steady myself back on the swing and continue spinning, clinging to my knees around the rope. Eventually, however, I get tired and stand up, steadying myself once again against the A-shaped wooden plank assemble. I sigh as I get ahold of my mind again, still dizzy with the blood circling around my head faster than a car can move.

I stare off into the distance- well, at my neighbors house. My backyard is pretty big, filled with a ton of massive trees and mostly green grass with a disassembled garden off to the side. Well, actually two gardens- only one we are still using. There is a bit of a brick patio with two scooters lying in the middle and a pogo stick shoved to the side. During the summer, I will often scooter around in circles, practically losing my mind to my thoughts.

My stare is suddenly interrupted by another rustle. I snap around and stare at the bushes, trying to remember how 'it's just the wind'. Only, my mind, after having countless nightmares about something coming out of the woods, forces me to open the bushes.

I slowly do so, nearly pricking my hands one thousand times with the thorns. It feels almost cinematic.

However, theres nothing there.

How anticlimatic.

I sigh and once again pick up my phone from my pocket, ready to tell my friends about how I practically scared myself to death. I'm on the opposite side of the A now, letting my left side relax against the hard wood. Even after texting my friends, I scroll through the past texts in the group chat of some people at my school.

bro im so tired of writing my essays i need a freaking break (from Oliver)

Ikr???????? Like I thought applying to 3 schools wouldn't be that much bro (from Nick)


I wish Aboshan Rivers went until 12th grade :/ (from Anne)

I sigh, because I know how right they all are. I just finally finished (most) of my essays to apply to 11th grade at a new highschool. My current school (Aboshan Rivers) only goes until 10th grade, so after that students are forced to either just go to a public school or apply to private schools. Or, I suppose, they just don't go to highschool at all- but I know that that's completely out of the question for me in my family.

I hear another rustle.

"Oh my gosh, that's freaking it!" I exclaim. I walk into the woods slowly, avoiding bushes and such. It isn't a very big woods- at least if you're walking straight, so I know that it is entirely possible to get completely lost in the woods. Carefully, shining my phone light (as now it's kind of dark), I inspect the woods. I'm trembling- either from the cold or out of fear.

And then suddenly, I don't realize it for a full second, but there is an awful, searing pain in my back.

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