My Only Choice

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Of course Jeff sits on the bed. I feel his gaze like daggers as I walk into his room. I quickly glance at him.

"Oh, so is this your room now?" he asks.

I breathe. "As if I have a choice," I mutter.

If I could choose, I would choose sleeping on the ground. Or on a couch. Not Jeff's room. It just feels wrong.

Of course, it doesn't feel right either to ask to sleep somewhere else. That would just be strange. And maybe even impolite. But I would still prefer not to have Jeff's room.

I sit on the bed, not daring to look at him. Even though I know that he is looking at me.

"So, Slenderman's daughter, huh?"

I turn to him, trying to avoid eye contact. "Yeah... I... I guess..."

"Unexpected..." he says, as if he didn't hear it before. "You're probably not the person who I would guess would be 'Slenderman's daughter'..."

"M... meaning?" I ask. I quickly cover my mouth. I realize that I sound really rude. Jeff could probably kill me... he would probably be in trouble, but he still could... I have to be careful. At least for the next week... or maybe even longer.

He scoffs. "Not that it's a BAD thing... but you just look so... human!"

"O...k?" Not a BAD thing? Is he referring to the fact that I don't have paper white skin? That I don't have hair that's so dark it could unblind someone? Or maybe it's that my face has normal proportions?

"It's just that I wouldn't expect someone like... YOU to be Slenderman's daughter. That's all."

That's all? Really?

"Soo... you're gonna stay here?"

"It's not really like... it's just... it's really my only choice."

Jeff's face drops. "So you're actually... staying here."

I can tell that Jeff doesn't love the idea of me being here.

"Uhm... yeah. That's what I was... told."

The problem is that I wasn't directly told that I HAD to stay here. Only... the way that Slenderman told me that I would get my own room basically says that I'm staying here. Also... I don't know if I can normally live with this new information. I mean, how can I even continue to live in the 'real world' knowing this?

I wonder if I'll continue to go to school. Will I just stop my highschool application process? Holy shit... only a couple of days ago, that was the biggest thing on my mind.

I fall back in the bed. These past days, so much has happened. I always thought that the biggest thing ever on my mind would be maybe applying to collages and getting a job. Now... will I even do those things?

"Tired? Sure. Fine. Just take my bed. Not like I have much of a choice anyways." Jeff slumps out of the room, grumbling.

I wish I had my phone. Which makes me laugh, because I realize that even when I'm tired as hell, I still have time for my phone. I just want to text people. Just tell them that I won't be seeing them. Maybe ever again. I wonder how people would react to that. Would they care? Or would I just be like another person leaving the school?

I shut my eyes. I just want to dream. Just dream about the normal world.

I cover my ears, as if that will silence my thoughts. I hate thoughts. You can't do anything to control them. All you can do is just sit in silence and hope that they just disappear. I bury my face into Jeff's rough pillow. I put my hands under the pillow, under the mattress, as if I'm trying to grasp on for dear life.

Maybe if I sleep then everything will just disappear.

I'm sure every person has had that thought before. Maybe they can just sleep and sleep forever. Just let their dreams carry them.

Several times today, I've pinched my hands with my nails to make sure that I'm not dreaming. Several times this week I've done that. It feels like several too many. My hands have marks from how tightly I've been digging my fingernails into them, trying to convince myself that this is all just a dream.

Now maybe I can just fall asleep. Just dream. Forget about Slenderman, or siblings, or scary people. It's really my only choice.

Slenderman's Daughter (Remake)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant