Long Time

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A week. It had been a week since I found out I was the daughter of Slenderman. Feels like not a long time, right? Well.. wrong. It feels like it's been years. Decades, even. Of course, it doesn't mean that I've gotten any more used to this place- it feels more like a fucking prison cell than a home. I haven't gotten used to being here but it feels like I've been here for way too long. But hey.. at least I finally have my own room? Slender.. or, dad, I guess, put it together... Jeff also made sure to tell me how he was also forced to help out. Anyways, it's a basic room, but I can't complain. I don't want to be here. They know that. But there's apparently 'nothing' any of us can do about it. At least they're being hospitable to me, I guess..

And the teleportation? Uh.. yeah, no. That isn't really working out. Slender says that maybe I just don't have powers. I don't care if I do or don't. In fact, if I don't, that would make everything so much more simpler.

Slenderina is super nice and is basically my only friend in this place. Sally- like, as in my sister Sally- isn't really too.. friendly. She's a lot more like Slender.. quiet. She's definitely also not so in to getting to know me very much. Although one time, Toby did ask me if I wanted to go killing with him, Jeff, and Sally..? I can't exactly tell if that's supposed to be good or not, but hey- at least they thought of me, I guess..?

My favorite things to do nowadays seem to be either cleaning my new room and bathroom or sitting on the lone swing outside. My room was a bit dirty when I first settled into it, so even after cleaning it, I would continue to clean it as a way to pass time. Especially the bathroom. It was even dirtier- but hey, it just gives me something to do. I've also tried to decorate a bit, to make myself feel more.. at home. But there really isn't much to decorate with. Slenderina gave me some random posters and clothes to throw in my closet, and soon we're gonna try to get some paint for my walls, but until then I'm just gonna have to work with what I've got.

Whenever I get bored I'll go outside. I still don't know exactly who the swing belongs to, or really who it was placed by. But I like it. It's there, all alone, right by the fence- it reminds me of my own home. The swing I would spend hours and hours on. Swaying constantly; back and forth. Just like the thoughts racing through my mind.

I'll be honest- it feels like maybe I've actually started to settle in.. just a bit, though. But the way a prisoner would settle into their jail cell. Although it's confining and uncomfortable (although I'll confess, the bed is not that bad), I've gotten more used to it. Familiar faces, familiar sights, familiar feelings and sounds. It's all something that I've kind of come to know. I've even settled into a bit of a routine- wake up, go to the kitchen and eat whatever the heck is on the counter, go outside and swing until it gets cold then go back inside and clean my room for a bit. Then once I get tired of that maybe I'll take a nap or two, then once I wake up I'll clean my bathroom, then my room, then maybe decorate a bit more- try on some new clothes, occasionally hang out with Slenderina, watch TV either alone, with Toby, or someone else new. Then at last, I'll go to bed and finally get a chance to sleep. But then of course, later, the morning rolls around..

Sounds depressing, I know. But really.. having at least a bit of a routine- finally something to do- has helped. I know that it won't stay this way for long, though.. I don't know how long I'll be here- but that is just the thing- I haven't even bothered asking how long, because I already know what the answer will be. After all, why would they even let me leave now?

Slenderman's Daughter (Remake)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin