Siblings Suck

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I wake up, my heart feeling like it's going to thud out of my chest, my whole stomach burning.

I pull myself up. I'm on some type of strange couch. It's gray and leathery. I hear voices from behind me. I peer over the back of the couch.

It's two people. One of them is easily recognizable as Slenderman. The other one... I can't really tell. She is very tall- but compared to Slenderman, could easily be recognized as a child. She has long, dark hair and is wearing a skirt and shirt. She is facing me. I immediately duck back. However, it is also then that I notice that there is another girl there. She is probably about my height, but has the same black hair as Sally. She is wearing a dress.

"So... I want you to be able to accept her..." I hear Slenderman whispering. It sounds like he is telling a child that she must accept a new adopted sibling... which honestly, could sort of be the case.

They continue murmuring to each other, until eventually it stops. I look over and see black fog, taking the place of Slenderman. The first girl turns to me. I duck.

"I know that you're there," she says. "I'm not stupid."

"Sally- please. Don't scare her."

So one of their names is Sally.

"I'm not going to scare her, Slenderina. At least not purposefully."

Sally and Slenderina.

"You can come over here, you know. We're not going to hurt you," the one with the less whispery voice says. It seems that her name is Slenderina.

I stay in the couch. I don't want to face anyone else in this house right now.

However, there is a wisp of grayish fog, and one of them is standing right next to me. I shriek and jump back into the couch.

The other one walks over. I don't know what I was expecting. Both of their faces are different. One of them is very similar to Slenderman, and doesn't even have a face. The other does have a face, but half of it is covered up by a mask. Her eyes are black- like literally, almost pitch black, besides from two white orbs in the middle.

They both look at each other, wondering what to do. I look at them helplessly.

"We're... uhm..." the one with the face, who is probably Slenderina, says. "We're your... uhm..."

"We're your sisters, damnit," the other one says. I stare at both of them. We all look at each other as if we are crazy.

But obviously... I see it. One of them doesn't have a face. One of them has a face that looks very demented. Of course they are also Slenderman's daughters. Of course. Of course, of course, of course.

"I'm Slenderina... and that's Sally," the one who is apparently Slenderina says.

I nod.

"Yeah... uhm... I'm gonna go now." In a flash, Sally is gone, along with Slenderina. I sit on the couch, alone.

So. I have two siblings.

At that very moment, Slenderman teleports into the room.

"I suppose that you just met your two sisters?"

It sounds like a very weird thing to say. That I 'just met my two sisters.'

"Uhm... yeah."

"Well... they're very excited to meet you. I have been looking for you for a long time... after all."

It sounds like he's just trying to convince a kid- a helpless, lonely kid at a new school- that everyone is excited to meet them. It sounds cliché- it sounds stupid. Obviously it's not very believable.

"Oh, huh... o-ok," I say.

"Anyways. Sorry about the poisoning. However, you are welcome to... help yourself to any food."

And with that, he's gone.

I cover my eyes with my hands. It all feels lonely. And somehow having siblings makes me feel even lonelier. Probably because they don't feel like siblings- just distant 'friends'. Or acquaintances. The fact that I barely even talked to them just proves it.

I sigh. I've lost my appetite. I wander- faint, tired, dizzy- feeling like I'm just walking on clouds that I am sinking into- back to Jeff's room- the only thing that I've become at least remotely familiar with.

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