Jeff's stupidity

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Jeff turns to Slenderman. He points to me. "She's right there, sir."

Slenderman doesn't move from where he's standing. Jeff looks from me to him, frowning.

"Sooo... what are you gonna do with her?" He asks. Slenderman doesn't speak, though. He just looks at me. It's clear that he's just as desperate as I am. Just as confused. I crumple up and hug my knees. I wish I could just crawl into a deep, deep hole right now and just die there.

"Is there something going on here that I should... or that I 'can' know about? Because clearly there's something going on between you two. Deep conversation?" and then Jeff turns to me. Maybe 'not wanting to die just yet because you're too 'young''? Well guess what? I died when I was 17. You can probably deal with dying at your age."

"Jeff-" Slenderman starts. Jeff turns to Slenderman.

"Yes? Would you like to tell me now?" he asks.

For a moment, I turn and see Slenderman. He looks confused. I can tell that he knows that whatever he says, Jeff won't believe him.

Jeff looks back at me. "How about you? You wanna tell me?"

I shake my head, trying to avoid eye contact. A tear falls from my eye, but I shut it and keep it in.

I can see Slenderman building up the courage to speak to Jeff. "Jeff, how about you come into a different room with me?"

"What? So you're not gonna k- uh, ok, I guess..." Jeff shrugs as he follows Slenderman outside. I bury my head into my knees, not willing to look at them.

The funny thing is that I already know what is coming. Jeff things that he knows that I'm not Slenderman's daughter. The other funny thing is that I thought that I knew that I was not Slenderman's daughter. But here I am. Stupid. Wrong. Just like Jeff.


I choose not to listen to what Jeff is saying. It's probably not what I want to hear anyways. I cover my ears, so tight that my head might burst.

After a couple of moments, the door slams open and Jeff barges in, looking more angry than ever. Even though he has a smile plastered onto his face, one could clearly see that he looks infuriated.

Slenderman also doesn't look very happy. He holds Jeff by the hood of his sweatshirt. Once they are finally in the room, he lets go.

I haven't moved at all. I've tried to stay as silent as possible, hoping that maybe I'd just be forgotten about. Of course, that is unrealistic and stupid.

"Jeff, I'm sure you wouldn't mind letting her sleep in your bed for a couple of days- at least until we can get her a room of her own."

Great. So I'm getting a room of my own. To most people, that would be good. However, to me it just means that it's official- I'm staying here. Something inside of me had hoped that even though I am Slenderman's daughter, that I didn't have to stay here. Of course, however- I must stay here.

Jeff groans. It seems that he has given up.

"Great," Slenderman says. "I'm going to go now."

Before I know it, Slenderman has disappeared from the room. Which just leaves Jeff and I. However, Jeff is also gone in a matter of seconds. Which just leaves me.

In a room that I don't belong in, in a house that I don't feel like I should belong in.

I stand up, trying not to be conquered by the forces of my own thoughts. Shouldn't I be happy to be here? Happy that I'm not going to die?

There's also something in me that thinks that none of this is true. That I'm not actually Slenderman's daughter, and that it's just some sort of mistake. But the rest of my mind knows for a fact that this is not a mistake. That this is somehow all true. Something funny and stupid about truth is that if there is something in you that doesn't believe it, then chances are that you're wrong. Because there is something deep in my mind that knows that I am Slenderman's daughter. I didn't see it before, but now I do. It's just so deep that I just don't know how to accept it.

I hear Jeff yelling at someone, who then yells back. The voice who yells back sounds like Jane, my other known captor. It's a back-and-forth fight. 'I don't understand! It doesn't make sense!" Jeff keeps yelling.

I sigh as I walk further into the hallway, then seeing the kitchen to my right. I need food. I don't care what type of food. I just need food.

I open the refrigerator, barely looking at anything. I just grab a bag of sugar. I don't know why it's in the fridge, though. But I don't care. I feel like I haven't eaten in forever... I've just been so busy. Maybe some sugar will wake me up...

I dump some of the sugar into my mouth. However, it immediately tastes weird. But before I can think about it, I swallow.

Swallowing it feels weird- like it's dissolved before they even reached my throat. I look at the bag that I'm holding- holy shit.

It reads: CYANIDE POISONING in big bold letters. How the hell did I not notice that?

I feel faint. I fall to the ground, and my vision goes black.

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