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My brain feels like it's going to explode, trying to process all of this new information. I cover my mouth. I feel like I'm gonna scream. I start to stand up, ready to run away so that I can cry or something. But as I stand up, I start to feel dizzy. Is this a side effect of being dead? I've felt this before... like I'm gonna faint...

Usually the feeling goes away after a couple of seconds, but now, it stays. Slender can sense that something is wrong and starts to stand up, teleporting right behind me to hold my shoulders steady. I place my hand on the chair in order to stay standing up. I close my eyes, but when I open them everything is bright. It feels like it lasts an eternity, before there is eventually a white flash. Once I regain my senses, everything is dark and black. It starts to fade away, however, and around me a notice... a faint black mist.

Slender is back in his chair, sitting down again, startled. He looks confused. So am I. What the hell even just happened?

"What the hell just happened? What did I just do?" I repeat from my thoughts. But it seems as though Slender does not know either, as he shakes his head slowly.

I suddenly realize that I'm not right next to the chair anymore. Did I stumble? I don't think so.. I probably would've fell, and remembered falling... I'm probably about 2-3 feet from where I was standing before. It's like I teleported... and it wasn't Slender who did it.

"That was you..."

I blink quickly, utterly confused and distracted. "Yes... yeah... I– I-I guess so..."

I leave the office, still shaken from what just happened. Did I just teleport? It seems so.. but how is that even possible? It's not like I was actually trying to... it just happened. Is that normal...?


Perhaps knowing how to teleport is good. After all, it can be quite useful. However.. it hasn't proven to be a very good thing quite yet. For one, I can't control it- sometimes it's TOO easy to the point where whenever I just think or look at a place I will immediately teleport to it, which can be difficult because teleporting, as I've found, is a very tiring process. It's also overwhelming, which really sucks when it happens too often. Then sometimes, it's just impossible- no matter how hard I try I'll get absolutely nothing out of it.

The fact that I can teleport also means many different things, too. For one- I'm dead. That's for sure. I found out earlier, but being able to teleport... sort of 'proves' it in a way. And on top of that, now I know for sure that I'm Slenderman's daughter.

Being able to teleport also adds yet another confusing abnormal thing to my list of current burdens. It's dumb because I can't control it. And it's useless, because I can't even use it to leave. That is.. if I wanted to leave. Now that I know how to teleport.. know that I'm dead... I know that I'm obligated to stay. I have to. I must.

And now, Slender is also making me try out different powers. And, of course, get better at teleportation. I thought that hopefully he would at least stop trying to make me learn them if I didn't have powers- but now that I do... he wants me to learn invisibility next. He says it will be even more 'beneficial'. Beneficial to what, though? I'm not really sure. He's very secretive. It's very annoying.

On top of all that, it just gives Jeff another thing to make fun of. The fact that I can't control it. I hate him. I hate Jeff so much that it's not even funny.

At least now, I'm building my tolerance to teleportation. Or at least, the aftereffects to it. Since it happens so damn much now, I'm used to the stupid dizziness and nausea and lightheadedness and feeling like I'm gonna faint. My 'recovery time' has begun to improve.


I was with Slenderina. We were talking on the couch. Ben, who I had met earlier, was playing video games. Some sort of racing game. Toby was playing against him. They were bickering. Jeff was watching in the background, laughing, as if he wasn't arguing with people at least 10 times per day.

I look up at the TV. They're racing in some sort of dark forest. It reminds me of the forest here- and of course, OF FUCKING COURSE, it just takes that much to cause me to teleport right outside the mansion.

I run up to the front door. I'm not even wearing shoes, and it's cold. Freezing out, actually. Nobody notices I'm gone at first, but Slenderina does seem a bit confused. The door is locked. I pound on the door, which distracts Toby and Ben from the game. They seem to pause it and Toby and Slenderina run up to the door. I see Jeff laughing at me in the background. I fucking hate him.

Eventually, they unlock the door and I stumble in.

"How did you even get out there?" Slenderina asks. "Did- did you-"

"Teleport? Yes.." I sigh. "Apparently I can teleport now.."

"WOAH, THAT'S SICK!" Ben exclaims.

"Uhh.. thanks?" I shrug. "It's a bit annoying, though.."

"WAIT- so you are dead?" Slenderina asks. She sits me down on the couch, holding my shoulders, trying to comfort me a bit.

"I... I mean... yes.. yes, I'm dead.."

"S-sorry- I just thought that you said you weren't..."

"I did say that, didn't I... well, turns out I was wrong!" I smile sarcastically.

Ben shrugs. "Oh well. You're definitely not the only one here that's dead... like... it's basically all of us."

"Wow, thanks a lot, Ben, I feel very recognized!" Toby exclaims sarcastically.

"God, well that's why I said basically! Basically all of us are dead, Toby! Not all of us, though!" Ben turns to me. "Toby's not dead. He's alive. But I will tell you- his sense of humor is very much dead."

Toby smacks Ben in the shoulder, and Ben responds with a punch to his chin. Slenderina rolls her eyes. "Really, guys? You're acting like kids."

"Shut up, Slendy," Ben says.

"I told you not to call me that. It confuses me with my dad," Slenderina glares at Ben.

"Well, it's not like you look very alike? Plus I would never call him that. He scares me," Ben laughs.

"You're such a wuss," says Toby. "Literally everyone calls him that."

Ben gapes at Toby, then an angry expression takes over his face. "No need to be such a-"

"GUYS! For real. Stop arguing. It's stupid," says Slenderina. She then turns to me. "Sorry about them, Ellie. They can be real assholes, sometimes."

"It's- it's fine," I say. "I don't mind, really..."

And it's true. I don't mind. In fact, it takes my attention away from how abnormal this is. How weird. And besides Slenderina's reaction to my teleporting, they didn't really seem phased by it. It's normal for them, I guess- and at least now it feels a bit more normal to me.

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