Chapter 19 - Samara

Start from the beginning

"Okay, okay. Just know that I think you would have made an excellent bunny."

Suetin glared at me, but gone was his brooding self-pity. I gave him a wink and walked out of his room.


"Would you like to go for an evening stroll?" Kivani asked me as I was making my way to my room. He had been pretty busy lately trying to get the demon situation under control. He was also under additional strain since he was basically leading two Parishes at once. I had learned that the Captain of Warthford's Parish had died during the initial surge of demons after the tear opened up. Now with Sterkin dead they didn't have any holy knights left. Plus one of their apprentices had also died, leaving them with just two disciples and an apprentice.

Now with Suetin out of commission, Kivani was the only holy knight. That meant he pretty much had to go on every mission since he was the only one with a holy fire weapon that could purify the demons.

"You sure you have time for that?" I was definitely not feeling neglected by him. No, I was perfectly fine not seeing his face very much.

"I wouldn't be asking if I didn't"

"Maybe I don't have time." I said, crossing my arms.

"Do you have time? I mean I wouldn't want to interrupt you if you have important plans to lay in your bed and stare at the ceiling or something."

"I guess I could reschedule staring at the ceiling for now, but just know I'm doing you a huge favor."

"You have my deepest gratitude."

We strode out into the dusty streets of Warthford, the sky softening to a light pink hue. We walked in companionable silence for a little while before Kivani broke the silence.

"I have a question for you."

"Do you now?" I gave him a sidelong look. I was surprised when I noticed a slight pinkness to his cheeks. When he didn't say anything for a minute I got impatient. "Well, are you going to ask or not?"

"Will you go with me to the Promotion Ball?" Kivani gave me an earnest look.

"The what?"

"The Promotion Ball. It's an annual ceremony held in the capital where Clunaics and Kingsmen are honored."

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but I'm not a Clunaic or a Kingsmen, so I don't think I qualify to attend."

"You don't have to be. It's customary for those invited to the ball to bring a date with them." His cheeks were now distinctly red. "And I was hoping you would come with me as my date."

"Do I have to wear one of those monstrous dresses?"

"Well, the women do usually wear ball gowns..."

"Count me out!"

"But there will be lots of amazing food prepared by the King's finest chefs"


"Please" He stared at me with such hopefulness that I could feel my initial refusal crumbling. Something about his flustered blush and nervousness made him seem so genuine. Like he really did want to go with me. Like he would be disappointed if I refused.

"Fine, I'll go."

His face broke into a broad grin, his eyes lighting up. I felt my heart flutter. Something about this seemingly mundane moment on a dirty street in the dimming light felt profound. I wished I could hold onto the moment, make it last a little longer. But time marched on and soon I found myself back in my room staring at the ceiling.

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