Don't end up like me

Start from the beginning

-You can't look at them that way.
He said.

-Why the fuck not!
I snapped.

-Don't be a smart ass because I promise you that you will get beaten up if you do.
Tom said as he took a grip on my hand and pulled me to a pair of chairs and tables.

-Sit here as we pick up that thing.
He said as he walked away.

-You bitch! You aren't picking up something are you! I shouted after him.

He said from a distance while laughing.

This was not fucking funny. I was just sitting there looking around the crowd. Everyone was dancing around. The DJ was playing Everybody by backstreet boys. Come on, I don't wanna be here. I just wanted to go home. My eyes were hurting, it felt like they were bleeding. I robbed my eyes trying to get the stinging feeling out. But that was stupid, it just became worse. It felt like small glass shards were in my eyes. My vision was starting to blur. Then all of a sudden I saw someone walking towards me. At first glance I couldn't tell who it was but then my eyes focused at the person face. It was that girl I met at the race, Leonie. She also had a friend with her with long black hair. She looked very young, not my age of course. But maybe 17 or 18.

-Hi Bill!
Leonie said.

-Um hey.
I answered.

-If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?
She asked.

-I'm just waiting for Tom to "pick up" something.
I said.

-Haha! Oh I'm sorry I just don't think he is here to just pick up something.
Leonie friend said as she tried to hold her laugh.

Leonie said as she hit her on the arm.

-Yeah, yeah. My name is Madison. And you can't sit here someone will seduce you if you just sit here all alone.
Madison said.

-What why would they?
I asked.

Madison gave me a look that told what ever she was going to say, was going to be rude.

-Well you kind of have a.. Ee how do I say this without being rude? Um you have a beautiful face and you have a feminine face shape. And your lashes are incredibly pretty. And-

-I get it!
I said interrupting Madison.

-Do you want to come with us?
Leonie asked.

-I guess.
I said as I got up from the chair.

Madison took me by the arm and dragged me to the dance floor. Leonie followed us but then someone asked her for a dance so it was just me and Madison.

-How is it like? Having Tom kaulitz as your brother.
Madison asked me.

-Well, I don't know.
I answered trying to avoid the questions but she didn't give up so easily.

-But do you ever feel afraid or scared around him?


-Has he ever done anything to you? Like has he raised his hand against you?

-No he hasn't. And he won't.

-Have you ever seen him doing something to a person? Like hurting them.

-NO! I haven't can we please talk about something else I don't wanna talk about Tom.
I spat.

-Oh, I'm sorry I didn't thought you would mind talking about him.
She said.

-I am also sorry didn't mean to shout. You have asked me many questions now so I think it's fair if I can asked you one.

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