Louis studied Albert curiously, something he found himself doing a fair amount since the fire. He didn’t wish to question William, but it still confused him as to why Albert was still alive. William was no friend of noblemen and yet he’d killed Albert’s entire family for him, not to mention they’d disposed of the servants as well it was uncharacteristically kind thing for “William” to do for someone of his status. Louis’s first idea would be as simple as Albert being around made their story more believable, but if that were the case they could have disposed of him after the fire.
As Jack had said suicide was viable conclusion, Louis’s eyes narrowed as he gazed at Albert’s pale neck a jovial smile marrying his face as he swiped at William leaving his vital points so trustingly undefended. If William asked it of him even with Albert’s superior strength Louis could probably get it done based on surprise alone but… William wouldn’t ask that of him.
if Albert is a pawn he is a pawn with a more important role in his brother’s plan than that of a simple tool to get them a noble name. So for now such measures would not be necessary, instead Louis simply offered Albert a shy smile as their gazes met from across the field.
Louis shook his head, it wasn’t as though Albert was a particular strain, just someone whose presence in their lives confused him. Even Louis had to concede that Albert wasn’t the worst of pawns, naive sure especially when it came to William, but that didn’t make him stupid. He was quick on his feet and if this fight was proving anything even with William’s quick thinking Albert was clearly the superior fighter.
A sudden groan broke Louis’s concentration “Brother!?” He called. William had fallen to the ground after another powerful blow and raised his hands in surrender. Albert quickly cast his dull blade aside with a swift clang against the earth and reached his hand out to help William up. Louis cautiously moved closer, he was worried for William but he also knew that William wasn’t one to take defeat so easily but before he could get much closer another voice spoke up.
”How interesting…” All three of the boys turned their head towards Jack who hadn’t moved an inch from the shade of the tree he leant against 
“Interesting, sir?” William prompted 
Jack lifted his eyes in the shadows, his usually dark eyes shining menacingly under the gloom. For a long moment he held William’s gaze before he suddenly turned to Louis, if Louis was quiet honest it was a surprising and unnerving look. He wasn’t used to anyone other than William properly looking at him, even Albert’s gaze moved on rarely lingering but now Jack stared him down like a wolf on a hunt. Judging its prey with a cold analytical certainty. “Well young Louis, why don’t you enlighten your brothers as to what you noticed while watching them?”
Louis averted his gaze nervously “I doubt I’d have better observations than you sir.”
Jack quickly interjected the second Louis’s last breath was drawn “Yes but I’d like to hear it from you, so go on then.”
Louis blinked his throat feeling dry, he looked towards William who casted him a reassuring smile. Louis breathed in a moment before eventually speaking. “Well Albert is fairly strong, despite loosing a lot more stamina than us with our first test his attacks were fairly powerful” Louis paused looking to Albert who was gazing back at him intently, it felt weird to criticise someone older than him straight to his face but after another hum from Jack Louis continued “But he struggled with dodging and analysing his opponent, he struck very quickly like he was fighting an opponent who as persistent as himself but William seemed to be avoiding him for most of the fight. Had his blows not been as strong he’d have probably worn himself out” Louis avoided Albert’s eyes as he looked back to Jack, desperately hoping he wouldn’t make him criticise William
But as usual their instructor offered him no favours he just nodded “And what of William?”
Louis hesitated but William moved closer and placed his hand on Louis’s shoulder “It’s okay brother I can take it, we both know you’re fairly observant. I may learn something” Louis bit back the words of denial he felt crawling up his throat. He just needed to get through this quickly.

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