Tickling the sadness away

Start from the beginning

Louis and William shared a look, conversing with their eyes. Then Louis smiled, a touch sad as he gently patted Albert’s knees. “You know- Brother and I always did that too. We’d get overwhelmed with everything that happened and blame it on dust or grime from the slums, or We’d say we’d accidentally poked ourselves in the eye.”

“Terrible excuses, no? Of course, you never believed them for a second.” William nodded in agreement, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into Albert’s shoulder as he reflected on the memory.

“You’d tell us it’s a big brother’s job to help his younger ones when they cry, no matter what the reason.”

“Cause it’s true-” Albert cut in.

“And it’s the job of the younger siblings to make sure they help their eldest brother when he’s in tears.” Louis leaned his arms against his knees, resting his chin in them as he gave Albert a small but encouraging smile.

“Even if they have the gall to say the room’s dusty after I’ve cleaned it.”
The brunette let out a wet laugh, the sound making the other two grin. Shaking his head, Albert let out a breath before clearing his throat, finally starting to calm.

“Apologies. I dislike crying- it makes me feel so…vulnerable.” He sighed, reaching out to gently run his fingers through Louis’ hair, his other hand coming out to pat William’s hand. “I guess it’s not so bad with you two, though.”

“You guess?” William tsked in mock offense, sharing another look with his brother before the hand on Albert’s shoulder began to slide, creeping across his upper back. “How rude. All these years later and you only guess it’s okay to be yourself around us?”

“You know what I me-eeh!” Albert straightened when the hand found his neck, curling against his nape. “Will, don’t you dare.”

“Dare what? We’re only sitting here.” Louis defended, the arms resting on Albert’s lap stretching so he could grasp each knee, something playful entering his expression. “Why so tense, brother?”

“You know whhiihihhiy! Will!” Albert yelped with a giggle when the hand at his neck wiggled, making him scrunch some. “Dohoohon’t!”

My, you’re awfully fidgety today, Albert.” William teased, two fingers continuing to scratch at his brother’s neck while the rest of them pressed gently, sending little pulses of ticklishness across his nerve endings. “What’s the matter? Have to use the restroom?”

“Ants in your trousers?” Louis teased, his own hands squeezing Albert’s knees in a similar fashion, making him squirm. “Tickly ones?”

“Oh, I’ve heard of those. Devious little things.” William nodded solemnly, smirking when Albert blushed, a hand swatting at him. “No? What’s wrong then?”

“Wihihihihilliam! Lohohoohuis! SThaahahahp ihhiihit!” Albert broke into a fit of laughter, curling in on himself as William brought his second hand in, wiggling it gently against the back of his ribs.

“Geahhahahaa! Thhiihihis isn’t fhahahhahair!”

“I disagree. I think this is quite fair.” Louis giggled, clearly enjoying himself. With his weight against Albert’s legs, he leaned up some to give his brother’s waist a squeeze, laughing when the brunette hooted.

“You always tickled us when we were upset. It’s about time we return the favor. Right, brother?”

“Absolutely, Louis.” William nodded, one hand carrying on squeezing Albert’s neck while the other reached for his armpit, knowing how bad a spot that was for his brother growing up. “Come to think of it- I can’t recall the last time Albert properly laughed for us, can you?”

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