34: What the fuck ?

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I don't even try and fight it as Wormtail calls at us to come. My legs seems to just take me. Away from the whole situation. His wand is pointed at me, ensuring i don't try and run. Close behind me, i hear the shuffling of feet as Theo and Mattheo follow me. We reach the door and i begin to climb the steps. Each step sends shockwaves through my body, getting more exhausted for a minute. 

I reach the top, entering into the wide room i can't falter as the drawing room. Memories have been made here that's for sure. The ceiling is immensely high, the ceiling plastered with patterns and textures of deep black, only just visible in the dim light. A long wooden table stretches across the left of the room, under the frosted windows. The fireplace is empty. 

That's not what strikes me though. Once i'm done recognising the room, my eyes fall to the far side of the room. 3 streaks of white blond accompanied with a frazzled mess of black hair stand by the fireplace. 

"Draco?" I call out, almost running to him before catching myself. 

Bellatrix floats in front of him, her wand pointed in my direction. I can spot her rotted teeth from here, and the insanity in her eyes is undeniable. "Malfoy junior, part 2." She cackles. 

"Keep moving girl." Pettigrews wand digs into my back and Mattheo and Theo pull up alongside me. 

Bellatrix gasps. Then she bows. "Son of my dark lord. You grace us all with your presence." 

All unsure of what's happening, no one says a word. 

Cackling again, she stands up straight, leisurely strolling towards us while rolling her wand in her fingers. She hums a strange tune as she gets closer, her eyes widening and blinking irregularly. 


"Bella do get on with it." My father calls across the room. "None of us have time for this."

Unhappy that her fun is ruined, she sighs and stops walking. "Fine." She pauses. "Take him then." 

All of a sudden, 4 death eaters emerge from behind my parents, heading in our direction. Beginning to back up, all of us send each other concerned looks. Wormtail pushes Mattheo forwards, into the grips of the the death eaters. He struggles momentarily, until Bella's wand is jabbed into his neck. 

"Don't fight it boy." She coos, breaking off into a grin. Mattheo holds her eye contact as he is dragged to the side of the room and chained to the wall. I see large metal cuffs clamp around his wrists. 

"Do you like them?" Bellatrix teases me, strolling towards us. "Your dark lord suggested we install them, especially for today." 

Unamused, i don't reply.

"Not very chatty." She drags her dirty fingernail under my chin. "Wormtail."

The wand jabs into my back again, pushing me forward. Theo squeezes my arm slightly as we walk to my parents. I honeslty don't know what's going to happen now. 

"Draco." I say as we get closer, although he doesn't turn around, he just faces our parents, completely still. We pull up alongside him, stood a mere 2 meters apart. I mirror his position, staring my father in the eyes. 

"Move him away." Bella barks, indicating for Wormtail to lead Theo to the side. 

"So." Lucius begins. "Amara we are giving you a choice." 

"A choice?"

"You don't need to speak yet." Bella cuts me off, lunging in my direction. 

"Enough Bella." Narcissa says firmly; turning her gaze back to Draco, who still hadn't looked at me. 

Flee from Freedom - (mattheo riddle)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant