3: Unmoving in his arms

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I don't remember falling asleep, we agreed that maybe some of us should, but I was adamant that I would stay awake and keep a listen out.

 I didn't dream, I haven't done in a long time.

A loud bang is what finally wakes me, I spring upright, gasping, trying to remember where I am.

"Mara." Mattheo calls my name from the darkness. "It's fine."

Theo is asleep on the other side of the table, Pansy in his arms. Both Draco and Mattheo are awake. I can see Enzo laying on the floor but I can't tell if he's unconscious or not.

"What's the time?" I stand up, brushing off my uniform.

"Nearly 3:45, we were about to wake you."

I pause as another large bang comes from overhead. "How long have they been fighting for?"

"They aren't fighting right now." Mattheo answers. "They were fighting for ages earlier, but they've stopped now, got here around half 2."

"Voldemort isn't here, but plenty of right-hand death eaters are." Draco chimes in.

"He's not here?" 

"Last i heard he was in the forest. He called for a break in the fight in exchange for Harry Potter."

"Okay- how do you know that."

Draco's face drops slightly. "Uh, I left, momentarily, to get a look." He must see my eyes light up with anger because he begins to speed up. "I wasn't seen I promise."

"Draco for fucks sake. You need to be careful." I scoff.

"I was, I promise."

"You could have been seen."

"I asked him not to go."

"Well good job." I scoff at Mattheo, who just laughs at me.

I glare at Draco a little longer, before it goes extremely quiet above our head. No one says a word, but there must be something going on. Mattheo moves past me, towards our sleeping friends to wake them up.

"What do you think?" Draco questions, as I watch Pansy and Theo getting up from the floor.

"I think we are lucky to even be alive right now, we've got to make it count."


The hallways are empty of fighting now. It's still quiet and nothing is happening, as we all discover when leaving the classroom. Parts of the walls are blown apart, debris litters the corridors. A few death eaters lie, presumably dead in this particular part. I'm just glad we've seen no students yet.

"Is it over?" Enzo whispers, his body tense and on his tiptoes.

"I don't know." Theo replies, moving forward to the next corner, peeping his head around slightly before stepping out to nothingness.

"It can't be over, it hasn't even been that long surely."

"I think it's only just begun." Mattheo whispers. There's something off about this voice, making you want to look at him as he speaks. I whip my head around, to see him stood at the window viewing out onto the courtyard. Something must be wrong.

That's when we see it. Voldemort is here now. He stands in the middle of the courtyard, backed by his army of death eaters. I spot the white blond of our father to his left. Draco must spot it too because his nose crinkles in some form of disgust.

The Hogwarts community faces him, unmoving, listening as the Dark Lord floats about the space, waving his wand and cackling in laughter.

That's not the worst part. Then I see Harry Potter, limp, unmoving in Hagrid's arms.


"He's dead." Pansy whispers, her voice running cold.

"Oh shit." Theo replies.

"Oh shit indeed." Mattheo answers, his eyes trained on his father, filled with hatred.

I keep waiting for Potter to move, to spring from Hagrid's arms. He never does.

Voldemort begins to bellow, yell, his words become clearer, crisp.

"And, this is only the beginning. Harry Potter is dead, the Ministry has fallen, I will lead the Wizarding World to victory!" His followers cheer and laugh. "Although," he quietens down slightly. "We still have an issue. I believe you may be harbouring some, friends, of mine, in this castle. I'd appreciate if, all 6 of them would be able to come out here." No one moves in the courtyard. None of us breathe.

"No one? My son, WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO COME OUT HERE?" He yells, making students step back in fright. Mattheo tenses up beside me. "No? How about AMARA, or DRACO?" He turns to face our parents. "Lucius, surely you know where your children are?"

"They are no longer to be called my children, my Lord."

"Yes, well, they have disgraced us, disgraced their families. I would love to have a, chat, with them all."

Everywhere goes silent momentarily, as Voldemort waits for someone to step forward. 

An ear-splitting shriek fills the yard. I watch in admiration as Nagini splits in half, the sword of Gryffindor slicing directly down her middle. Neville along bottom wields it, shouting as he splits the snake in half. People begin to shout and run. Potter's lifeless body drops to the floor.

"Fuck me." Theo whispers.

"Let's go." Draco grabs my hand, dragging us away.

Explosions ripple out from around us, pieces of rock and stone hurl at our heads and crash at our feet. The shouting once again resumes as we run. It's not 5 yet, we still have at least 45 minutes.

"Where the fuck are we going?" Pansy shouts from behind me.

"No idea." Draco shouts back.

"Well lets go back to the dungeon then."

"No, we need to be closer to the courtyard so we can make an easier escape."

"Are you trying to get us killed Draco?" Enzo yells.

"Trust me okay."

We run for what seems forever, up stairs and down to reach the corridors near the great hall. There's classrooms nearby, but they are surely a risk. My head pounds louder now and the screaming becomes muffled. Training my eyes ahead, I don't even look at the bodies on the floor.


The wall in front of us explodes, knocking us backwards on top of each other. My ears begin to ring.

"THERE THEY ARE!" Death eaters appear in front of us, pointing in our direction.

"Oh fuck." Mattheo exclaims, grappling for his wand.

I draw mine first, beginning to throw curses in their direction. Some are deflected, but one clips a death eater in the shoulder, sending him flying back.

"We need to run." Theo shouts from behind as me and Mattheo continue to sling hexes around. Eventually a gap forms in the defense and we send a final "BOMBARDA", knocking them out of sight.

"Amara you go with Pansy." Mattheo grabs my wrist, forcing something onto it. A bracelet.

"But I can help-"

"I know you can but it's better if you go. Hide in a classroom. I'll go with Draco and find the way out. The bracelet will tell you when I have."

"Mattheo you-"


Pansy grabs my hand, jolting me sideways down the next corridor. We run hand in hand, heading to the second floor charms classrooms. Someone is behind us, as windows ahead begin to smash from their misjudged curses.

We find a classroom and we slam the door shut.

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