23: Cissy

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Gasping, stumbling around, my head feels as if it's going to explode. I can't see a thing, my hands fall to my knees to stay upright. Squeezing my eyes shut, i must look like a complete mess right now. I remember what's happening and realise i have no fucking idea where i am. 

Standing back up straight, my eyes begin to focus. I can hear Theo beside me, and i realise i'm okay. 

"Theo are you-"

"Amara." Someone breathes out in relief from the other side of the room. 

I instantly recognise Pansys voice.

I turn my head around, and just about make out Pansy stood on the other side of the room. Enzo rushes in beside her, followed by Draco and Mattheo. 

Pansy runs at me, pulling me into a hug. The impact nearly knocks me over. "Oh my god." She sighe, pulling back, her eyes searching mine to confirm everything is alright. A smile flickers in her face as we both realise we are together again. 

I draw my eyes away to look around, the room is more of a hallway. There are a few doors, leading off into bedrooms and a bathroom. And a corner at the far end, i cant tell where it goes from here. The walls are white and bare, bar a few painted canvases scattered around. It remind me of the hotel, the small simple decoration.

"Save your boyfriend for last." Theo laughs sarcastically from beside me, recovering from the apparition. Pansy leave me, running into his arms, kissing him passionately.

I hardly have time to gather myself before Draco appears beside me, hugging me. I let him momentarily, before pulling back. 

"Are you okay?" He says, his hand on my shoulder. 

"Yeah." I reply, pushing my hair from my face, still out of breath slightly. 

Enzo appears beside me too, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. 

I feel extremely claustrophobic and would like this to be over. 

"Okay," I pull forward, turning to face him instead as Draco leaves to talk to Theo. 

"Are you okay." Enzo begins.

"Yeah we-"

"We've been here for over a day. We couldn't find you we were worried-"

"We are fine, we just."

"I thought he tracked you and found you."

"He didn't, Enzo calm down." I place my hand on his shoulder. I turn to the rest of them. Pansy and Theo are stood together, and Mattheo is watching me. Draco is gone.

"Where is he?"

"Amara." My mother responds. She's in the doorway, with Draco. 

I walk over, unready for the conversation. "How did you even get us here." 

"I was granted pass of the apparition ban to get you all here. It's heavily warded." 



"Why help us?"

"You are my children, i excuse every choice you make." Narcissa responds, taking Dracos face in her hands. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, the heavy weight of my brother bears above me, pushing me further into the ground. "You must all be careful." She continues, speaking to the whole room now. "Food will be delivered to the apartment every few days, there are a few others willing to help you. Please don't leave here unnecessarily. Is that understood?" 

There are a few mumbles of recognition behind me.  

"I must get going." She sighs quietly, pulling Draco into a long hug. After what seems like an hour, she pulls back, then hesitantly wraps her arms around me for a short lived embrace. I don't return any effort. For a minute i think she's going to say something but she never does. 

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