Chapter 25

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"Alright, do you see any difference between the two?" The doctor asked as he wrote something down on his notepad.

"No," she admitted.

"That's great, that tells me a lot," the doctor nodded as he continued to write. "Alright, I want to give you a break, so you don't stress and overwork yourself. How about you go home, and rest and we come back first thing in the morning? How does that sound?"

"Okay I guess," she shrugged.

"Be honest with me," the doctor said as he pulled the lens machine away from her face, "I can't help you if you aren't telling me the truth, are you having any pain outside of what has become normal for you?"

"Sometimes yes," she nodded as Drakon rested his head in her lap.

"Sudden change from pitch darkness to bright light?"


"Being in a bright room for a long period of time? Say an hour?"


"And how about after thirty minutes?"


"Natural sunlight with no electricity she does fine," North answered. "If we have the light on it sometimes bothers her or seems to tire her out."

"Thank you," the doctor nodded as he wrote it down.

"And how are you doing being outside? Say running errands? Going from place to place?"

"Not there yet," Kota shook his head, "she can be outside for a few hours if it isn't too sunny but if it is hot outside, she is only outside for half an hour. If it is partly cloudy, she can be outside for two hours. She can't go to multiple stores running errands because the florescent lights give her headaches, even with sunglasses. She doesn't like taking pain killers because they upset her stomach, so she doesn't go out very often."

"Excellent information, thank you," the doctor said as she listened to him writing. "And naps?"

"Help a lot," Silas replied.

"And Dr. Green? Anything you want to add?"

"I haven been on rotation the past couple of weeks, so they have the most up to date information," Dr. Green admitted, "but her sensitivity is more active if she is stressed, or her anxiety is high, so we have been focusing on reducing that or helping her through it. The drops help the irritation and there haven't been any changes in a physical sense, there hasn't been any new redness on sclera and the gray glaze on her iris and pupil have remained the same. She can tell the difference between most colors, but everything is still blurry or hazy to her."

"Okay," he nodded, "Carina, how do you feel about trying new eye drops?"

"Okay I guess," she shrugged. "You and Doc are the docs."

He chuckled, "alright, I'll go get them. Just try them tonight and tomorrow morning and give me an honest review when we meet at 10am. It is okay if you don't feel any different or there are no changes by then, it can take up to two weeks to notice any difference. As with any medicine each person reacts differently to the medicine they are taking. Just be honest with me, that's the best way I can help you."

"Okay," she nodded.

"Thank you, and for as your experience with Dr. Vance I sincerely apologize, he should have retired a very long time ago. Please know that I am not looking at his reports and have thrown them away, I'm going off solely what you and your family has told me."

She smiled softly, "thank you, Doctor."

"Alright," he patted her knee, "I'll go get those drops and then I will meet with you tomorrow morning."

"Come on Angelos Mou," Silas said as he walked over to her. She held her arms up and he gently picked her up, making her wrap her legs around his waist as her arms wrapped around his neck. "Come on Drakon, let's get out of here."

Drakon let out a soft woof then started following Silas out of the room. "I'll be right there," Sean said as the team started to follow Silas.

"I'll wait for you in the waiting room, Dr. Green," Owen said as he set the appointment into his phone.

Sean nodded, "Alright, Owen."

"Okay, Dr. Green," Dr. Crane said as he came back to the room, "let's try three to four drops twice a day for two weeks and see how she does. Like I said I'm not expecting any results by tomorrow, but I do need to know if it irritates her eyes or makes her light sensitivity any worse, things like that."

"Okay," Sean said as he took the prescription from him.

"As for Dr. Vance—"

"He got what he deserved," Sean said through clenched teeth as he tried to remain professional.

"Yes, he did," Dr. Crane nodded, "I don't want to know how you managed to pull it off Dr. Green, but I am glad he has been arrested for sexual assault, medical malpractice, and everything else that was listed in the email. I am glad you got him blacklisted and had his license revoked. Those lawsuits from former patients and co-workers are going to drain him dry."

"As they should," Sean glared.

"Yes, as they should," Dr. Crane nodded, "Hopefully prison will teach him some manners and knock some sense into him but I'm being realistic, whatever happens to him there he will deserve."

"Yes, he will," Sean nodded.

"Well, thank you for bringing your bird to see me, I'm sure she needs her rest now," Dr. Crane said as he shook Sean's hand, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Sean nodded then left to see Owen pacing the waiting room, "Everything okay, Dr. Green?"

Sean smiled softly, "Yes Owen, everything is good. Let's get the future Mrs. Green, I mean our pretty little bird and her puppy home."

Owen forced himself not to roll his eyes or smirk so instead he nodded and replied, "agreed."

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