Chapter 8

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Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

North barely opened his eyes and groaned. His whole body was on fire and his brain was foggy. Every atom in his body was in pain, hell it even hurt to breathe. What the hell happened to him?

"North!" Luke shouted.

"Shut up," North barely whispered even though it came out more like a croak. His tongue was heavy, and his throat felt like it was stuffed with cotton. His mouth was so dry, but his lips felt like they had chap stick on them. Nothing made sense. "Loud. Too loud."

"Sorry," Luke whispered as he sniffled. "Man, I'm so fucking glad you're finally awake."

"Wha???" North looked at him confused.

"You don't remember?" Luke asked scared. "Do you remember me?"

"Lucian," North whispered then noticed that Luke was near tears as he across from North. North barely turned his head, groaning in pain from the movement, and inhaled sharply seeing Sean, Jessica, and Carina in beds with tubes all over them. Carina's dog was laying beside her with his head on her stomach also with some tubes hooked up to him. They looked like they were sleeping but from all the machines everywhere and the concerned looks on everyone's faces told him otherwise.

"North," Luke whispered as a couple of tears finally slipped free. North tore his eyes away from the sleeping members over to Luke. "What happened? Do you remember?"

North looked back over to Carina and groaned, "Cop."

"The police officer passed away yesterday from the injuries he sustained from the bomb, Dear," Erica said gently as she held up a cup with a straw, "sip only." North took a sip then Erica placed the cup on the table. "He never woke up. Can you tell us why there was a police officer at Carina's house? Or why there was a bomb? It's okay if you don't remember too."

"Member," he groaned. "They okay?"

"They are in a coma," Erica admitted gently. "We are waiting for them to wake up. You are the first one and we weren't expecting that. You and Sean suffered the majority of the injuries since you were on top of the girls protecting them."

"Cop," North groaned. "Cop there deliver message captain."

"The captain was murdered," Owen said tensely. "Someone broke into his house and killed him. There was no fingerprints or traces of DNA for them to try and figure out who did this. They have no leads and with both of them now dead, we have no leads to try and figure out what happened or why it happened. Is there anything you can tell us, North?"

North looked up at him shocked then over to Luke, who barely smiled. "We almost lost all of you. It was an eye opener for Mr. B, for all of us."

"How?" North sighed then inhaled raggedly again, "How are they?"

"They are healing," Erica nodded, "it will take some time but everyone will be okay, I know it. Now get some rest. Rest is the best medicine after all."

"Lucian," North sighed tiredly as he weakly pulled on his brother's hand.

"I got it," Luke nodded and patted North's shoulder then winced as North flinched. "Sorry. Sleep Baby Brother, I'll tell them, promise." North closed his eyes. "North?" He barely opened his eyes, just enough to see Erica pulling a syringe out of his IV and Luke looking down at him with fear in his eyes. "Promise me you'll wake up."

"Pinky promise Lucian," North barely whispered seeing the relief in his brother's eyes just as he drifted off to sleep again.

Once Luke was sure North was in a deep sleep he turned back to the family, "Harley Day. He signed Harley Day."

"I'm on it," Corey and Victor said rushing over to their laptops.

"I'll let Dr. Roberts know," Erica said leaving the room.

"I'll call Uncle," Luke said pulling out his phone. "Maybe he can reach out to some of his contacts."

"I want everything on this Harley Day and how he is connected to Carina," Owen said removing his tie then started working on his cuff links.

"We are willing and will obey," they mumbled.

"I'll order us some food," Marc said softly.

"Mmm," Jessica whimpered as her hand twitched. Pain was all over her face, her eyes were squinted shut and her lips were trembling. Kota gently picked up her hand and she winched.

"Shhh, I'm right here," Kota whispered. "I have you, Jess, you're safe. I'm protecting you." He gently pushed some hair behind her ear. Max jumped on her bed and laid his head on her chest. "Maxie and I are protecting you Jess, you're safe, I promise."

Jessica relaxed under their touch and Kota sighed. "Stay with her," Axel whispered. "We got this."

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