Chapter 1

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"Hey Care, my brother just text me saying he found the book I've been looking for. Is it okay if we swing by there and I pick it up real quick?" Jessica Lee asked her friend in the passenger seat.

"Nancy Drew's The Secret of the Old Clock?" Carina asked curiously.

"Yep," Jessica beamed. "I can't believe he actually found it, I'm so excited!"

"Then of course we have to go get it," Carina smiled.

"Thanks Girl!" Jessica said happily as she switched lanes. "Oh, before I forget I need to tell you, he lives with his thirteen best friends. I'll find out if they are home, if so then I'll just rush in and grab the book."

"Okay," Carina said as her nerves started to get to her.

"Hey Bubba," Jessica said after hitting the call button on her car screen.

"Hey Jess, what are you doing?" a deep calming voice came through the speaker.

"Heading towards you," she said honestly. "Just curious, is everyone home?"

"Yeah, we are just about to make some tacos for lunch. Want me to make you a plate?"

"No, that's okay," Jessica said as she turned down a road. "I'll just rush in and grab the book. I have some errands to run, I'll grab lunch some other time."

"Nah, I'll make you some to go," another voice said in the background.

"Well, I have a friend with me," Jess said making another turn.

"Okay, how do they like their tacos?" the other voice asked, "I'll make them some too."

"Nah, it's okay, North, thanks though," Jess said as she rolled her window down and hit some buttons to open a gate. "I'll be right in."

"Alright," her brother said hanging up the call.

"Okay, I'll be right back, Care," Jess said as she put her car in park.

"Okay," Carina nodded.

"Hey Sis," her brother's voice said after the front door opened. "Why don't you and your friend come in for lunch? She's more than welcome, we have plenty."

"No can do," Jessica said shaking her head. "Her dog is with her—"

"That's fine," Jessica's brother chuckled, "you know Max loves other dogs."

"Her dog can be a bit...Max NO!" Jessica shouted just as Carina felt something suddenly land in her lap.

"Whoa," Carina said as fur surrounded her face and licks landed on her cheek. A deep growl from the back filled the car. "Drakon, I'm okay," she said into the fur.

"I'm so sorry, Care," Jessica said as the fur was removed from her face. "Max NO, get out now!"

"Max!" the deep voice from beside the car. "I'm sorry."

"Oh shit, Care, your arm," Jessica said opening the door and picking up Carina's arm. "I'm so sorry. Kota, you need to get Max's nails clipped."

"I'm okay," Carina said nervously. "Really, I'm okay."

"No, you aren't Care, you're bleeding," Jessica protested.

"Come in, I'll grab the first aid kit," Kota said from behind Jessica.

"No," Carina protested. "Really, I'm fine."

"Care," Jessica sighed, "It'll be okay, I promise."

"Jess..." Carina tried to protest.

"What's going on?" a couple of voices called from the distance.

"Max jumped into the car and accidentally scratched Jess' friend's arm so she's bleeding," Kota called back. "Trying to get her to come in so Doc can bandage it up and she's protesting."

"Care, I promise it will be okay," Jess said softly. "Sean is a doctor so he can fix you all up and I promise I'll never leave your side. Please Care, you're bleeding."

"Drakon..." Carina tried to protest.

"Will be okay," Jessica said gently. "Max will respect him and I've already told Kota he is very protective so everyone will keep their distance."

"Jess..." Carina bit her lip.

"It will be okay, I promise," Jess said squeezing Carina's hands.

"Fine," Carina sighed, "I trust you."

"Thank you," Jessica smiled. "Now come on, let's get you fixed up."

Carina stood and she heard a quick intake then a clearing of a throat. "Come on Drakon," Carina said as she patted her thigh then felt a soft pressure on her leg.

"Twelve steps then three steps up," Jessica said as she held Carina's hand.

"Okay," Carina said as she felt Drakon move in front of her.

"Damn that's a gorgeous Rottweiler," she heard a different voice from before.

Just as she counted to twelve in her head she heard Jess say, "Alright three small steps up then you'll be at the open doorway."

"Okay," Carina said and sure enough she soon heard the familiar sound of Drakon's nails on hard wood.

"Four steps forward then turn right and take—"

"five steps and the couch will be on your left side," Jessica's brother's voice interrupted. "There's a table across from the couch but I can move the table so you don't bump into it."

"That's okay," Carina said nervously as she leaned a little more into Jessica, "thank you for warning me." She felt the couch and carefully sat down. Seconds later she felt the familiar pressure of Drakon as he laid across her feet.

"I'm Dr. Sean Green," A different voice said as she smelled lavender then heard Drakon growl.

"Drakon Kai, be nice, he's a doctor," Carina gently scolded. "I'm okay. Sorry, I'm Carina Brooke."

"Carina is a constellation in Greece," another voice that had an accent said.

"Means beloved in Latin," Jessica's brother said.

"Interesting name for the dog," another voice chuckled.

"Thank you," Carina smiled gently, "Drakon is Greek and means dragon and Kai is Scottish and means fire but it is also Hawaiian for sea and Japanese for ocean. Or at least that is what I've been told."

"Is he just a sight seeing dog?" Sean asked as he picked up her arm and started cleaning it.

"No," Carina answered honestly. "He is a service dog for other things as well."

"Well, since you are already here, would you like to have lunch with us now?" the voice she heard from the background of the phone call asked.

Jessica sighed, "Really North?"

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