Chapter 7

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Raven P.O.V

I swear I'm going to kill every motherfucker that is involved in this. They are going to have a long and painful death screaming by the time I am done with whoever did this. I will burn this hell and show them just what I mean when I saw I am a professional Russian. They all will die, I swear it. Every single person involved will die by my hands for this. No matter where they do, I will hunt them down one by one and kill them for hurting my family, even if it means burning down the whole world. I will kill them, I'm a professional Russian.

Owen P.O.V

How could this happen? Who would do something like this? Why? I need answers now. This never should have happened, never. I swear I will get to the bottom of this one way or another and I will get justice for all of them. We all will and we have the Academy supporting us as well as Ravenstahl family. We will get answers soon and then it will be time to set loose Mr. Ravenstahl and Mr. Toma to go hunting. No one will stop them, nor will they want to. Whoever did this will learn what it exactly means to hurt our family.

Erica P. O. V

My poor babies. My poor sweet babies. What caused this to happen? Well, I won't be leaving this hospital until all four of them and the puppy are okay. They shouldn't be this still, it's not like any of them at all. I don't like it. Thank goodness Dr. Roberts will be taking over, he will let me stay here to care for them, he understands. Plus I think it will be give him and the rest of the kids reassurance. I will make them better, I have to, even the police officer. Why was there a police officer there anyway?

Corey P. O. V.

What the fuck happened? I swear when we got the redline, my stomach dropped. Seeing what I saw when we arrived will never leave my head as long as I live. It will haunt me forever. I wish she had cameras so I could help get answers but she didn't. I have to do something though to help. We need to get justice for everyone and make sure this never happens again. There must be something I can do. I just need to think. I can't think about them and all their injuries right now, if I do, I won't be able to find any information for Mr. Blackbourne or Dr. Roberts. I have to focus, find the details Corey, find them.

Gabriel P.O.V

What the fuck? How in the fuck? Goddamn what the fuck is going on and how the fuck did this happen? This shouldn't be fucking possible! And why the fuck was there a goddamn cop there? Fuck I can't think straight! I can't panic, I can't Momma has too much on her mind to have to worry about me too. I have to calm the fuck down, I can't go down that fucking rabbit hole. Besides Luke needs me right now, I have to be strong for him, for all of them. I can't fucking panic, I need to do something to not panic. Fucking hell, what can I do? Oh I fucking know! We aren't leaving this fucking hospital so I'll make sure we have everything we fucking need or will need, Momma too. Yeah, that's what I'll fucking do, after I fucking make sure Luke is somewhat okay. I mean obviously he isn't fucking okay but still, fuck I know what the fuck I mean. Now fucking focus Gabe.

Lucian P.O.V

This isn't possible, it isn't. This is a goddamn nightmare. Any minute now they will wake up and everything will be okay. No one will be hurt, not even the big scary puppy, and this will be a big old nightmare. This isn't real. It isn't possible to hurt our family, we are invincible for fuck's sake. We are the best there is in the Academy so how the hell did this happen to us? And why was there a cop there? Fuck we need answers and the only people that can give it to us are in a fucking coma and hooked up to a thousand fucking machines. I don't like this, I fucking hate this. Kota's sister, her best friend and her puppy, Doc, and my baby brother shouldn't be laying goddamn hospital beds looking like they are sleeping with tubes all over this. This has to be a fucking nightmare, it just has to be.

Kota P.O.V.

Twelve hours and thirty two minutes since we got the redline and our lives were turned upside down. It looked like a fucking apocalypse, I'll never get Mom's screams out of my head when she arrived. The way Silas had to hold her and me back while Nathan had to hold Luke back while he screamed was just unreal. Their cries shattered my heart. Victor has sworn to use every single penny to get to the bottom of this and find who is responsible. Mom has swore to never leave the hospital until everyone is okay and I fully support her. I refuse to leave also and I know the family agrees. Twelve hours and thirty five minutes...

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