Chapter 5

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"Everything is labelled," North commented as he walked around the kitchen. "Is this braille?"

"Yes," Jessica said as she opened some cabinets, looked at something then shut it.

"What's this other thing on everything?" he asked noticing a label that looked like a barcode.

"It's for my scanner," Carina said as she came back into the kitchen with Sean right behind her. "Some things do not have the braille label on them so I use my scanner instead in case the aide puts things in the wrong place by accident."

"Shouldn't the aide know better than that?" Kota asked. "I mean it's their job to help you and misplacing things doesn't seem—"

"She just got approved for an aide Dakota, it's a learning process for both of them, quit jumping to conclusions," Jessica glared as she came out of the walk in pantry. "Everything looks good Girl."

"Great," Carina beamed.

"You need any help?" North asked watching every move she made. It was taking everything in him to not take over, but he knew that wasn't the right thing right now. It was hard but he had to gain her trust first before he could care for her like he wanted. They all felt the same way, he knew it, but like Silas constantly said, it would be worth the wait, he just had to be patient.

"No but if I do, I have Jess," Carina said as she opened the cabinet and started feeling around spice bottles. She sat a couple down then shut the cabinet and pulled a skillet out of a drawer.

"Ha," Jessica beamed then stuck her tongue out at the group of men.

They watched in amazement as she turned on the stove and cracked an egg into pan. She moved around the kitchen with ease as she took the toast out of the toaster and began spreading mayo onto the toast before going back to the skillet and flipping the egg. She turned off the skillet and went back to putting the ham and cheese on the toast. She moved the plate over to beside the stove and used the spatula to put the egg on the cheese. She picked up the spice bottles, gave each one three shakes over the egg, then put the other slice of toast on top of the egg sandwich.

"Jess," Carina said as she picked up the plate.

"Here," Jess smiled as Carina came over to the table and sat the plate in front of her. "What about you?"

"My head hurts too much now," she sighed. "Besides, the way Drakon is pressing into me, I need to lay down before me forces me."

Jess took a bite and moaned, "I swear you need to open a freaking restaurant, this is so freaking good." She sat the sandwich down and stood, "I'll make the brats leave so you can get some good sleep. They don't know how to be quiet if their lives depended on it."

"I thought they were Academy," Carina frowned as she leaned into Jess as they left the kitchen. "Isn't being silent kind of necessary?"

"Yeah but they haven't exactly mastered it for when people are trying to sleep," Jessica chuckled.

"Guess that makes sense since there are so many of them," Carina's soft voice disappeared down the hall and a door shut.

"I'm not leaving," Sean shook his head.

"Well duh," Gabe rolled his eyes.

"Shut up," North whispered loudly as he placed the skillet in the sink then turned on the water so he could wash it. "She is trying to sleep."

"Quit planning," Luke whispered to Gabe as he watched his best friend looking around the kitchen while spinning the spinning ring on his finger. It was a habit Gabe did while he was analyzing various things that Luke was pretty sure he didn't even realize he did. He could see the wheels spinning methodically in his head. "It's not going to happen, you heard Jess, knock it off."

"Yeah, fucking right," Gabe chuckled as he shook his head. "You already know how this is going to end up. Any fucking way, I can plan for when she goddamn visits."

"Like hell you are," Jess glared as she came into the kitchen. "You aren't claiming her, she's MY friend, I got dibs, she's MINE," she loudly whispered. "You aren't taking her from me. Besides after all the shit she's been through, it's NOT going to happen so get over it and leave."

"I need to stay, Jess," Sean shook his head. "You haven't had enough training yet to know all the risks and symptoms of all the possibilities."

"Ugh, I hate when you are right," she glared then smirked. "But I'm going to love watching you try to go check on her while she's sleeping."

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