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Ariana sprinted towards the nearest onager. As she got closer, Ariana spotted Octavian furiously readjusting the machine's targeting levers.

The throwing arm was already primed with a full payload of Imperial gold and explosives. The augur rushed about, tripping over gears and anchor spikes, fumbling with the ropes. Every so often he glanced up at Festus the dragon.

Then, Ariana spotted Nico and Will.

"Octavian!" Nico yelled, Ariana ran to his side.

Will looked relieved to see her. "Welcome back Ariana."

Ariana grinned. "It's great to be back."

The augur spun, then backed up against the huge sphere of ammunition. His fine purple robes snagged on the trigger rope, but Octavian didn't notice.

Fumes from the payload curled about him as if drawn to the Imperial gold jewellery around his arms and neck, the golden wreath in his hair.

"Oh, I see!" Octavian's laughter was brittle and quite insane. "Trying to steal my glory, eh? No, no, son of Pluto. I am the saviour of Rome. I was promised!"

Will raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Octavian, get away from the onager. That isn't safe."

"Of course it's not! I will shoot Gaia down with this machine!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Ariana saw Jason Grace rocket into the sky with Piper in his arms, flying straight towards Festus.

Around the son of Jupiter, storm clouds gathered, swirling into a hurricane. Thunder boomed.

"You see?" Octavian cried. The gold on his body was definitely smoking now, attracted to the catapult's payload like iron to a giant magnet.
"The gods approve of my actions!"

"Jason is making that storm." Ariana said. "If you fire the onager, you'll Kill him and Piper, and -"

"Good!" Octavian yelled. "They're traitors! All traitors!"

"Listen to me." Will tried again. "This is not what Apollo would want. Besides, your robes are -"

"You know nothing, Graecus!" Octavian wrapped his hand around the release lever. "I must act before they get any higher. Only an onager such as this can make the shot. I will singlehandedly -"

"Centurion." said a voice behind him.

From the back of the siege engine, Michael Kahale appeared. He had a large red knot on his forehead.

He stumbled as he walked. But somehow he had found his way here from the shore, and along the way hed picked up a sword and shield.

"Michael!" Octavian shrieked with glee. "Excellent! Guard me while I fire this onager. Then we will kill these Graeci together!"

Michael Kahale took in the scene - his boss's robes tangled in the trigger rope, Octavians jewellery fuming from proximity to the Imperial gold ammunition.

He glanced up at the dragon, now high in the air, surrounded by rings of storm clouds like the circles of an archery target. Then he scowled at Nico.

Nico readied his own sword. Ariana summoned her swords.

Surely Michael Kahale would warn his leader to step away from the onager. Surely he would attack.

"Are you certain, Octavian?" asked the son of Venus.


"Are you absolutely certain?"

"Yes, you fool! I will be remembered as the saviour of Rome. Now keep them away while I destroy Gaia!"

"Octavian, don't." Will pleaded. "We cant allow you -"

"Will," Ariana said, "we can't stop him."

Solace stared at her in disbelief.

Octavian's eyes gleamed. "That's right, daughter of Pluto. You are helpless to stop me! It is my destiny! Kahale, stand guard!"

"As you wish." Michael moved in front of the machine, interposing himself between Octavian and the three Greek demigods. "Centurion, do what you must."

Octavian turned to release the catch. "A good friend to the last!"

Ariana almost lost his nerve. If the onager really did fire true - if it scored a hit on Festus the dragon, and Ariana allowed herfriends to be hurt or killed ... But she stayed where she was.

Some deaths should not be prevented.

"Goodbye, Gaia!" Octavian yelled.

"Goodbye, Jason Grace the traitor!" Octavian cut the release wire with his augur's knife.

And he disappeared.

The catapult arm sprang upward faster than Ariana's eye could follow, launching Octavian along with the ammunition.

The augurs scream faded until he was simply part of the fiery comet soaring skyward.

"Goodbye, Octavian." Michael Kahale said.

He glared at Ariana, Will and Nico one last time, as if daring them to speak. Then he turned his back and trudged away.

Ariana could have lived with Octavians end.
She might even have said good riddance.

But her heart sank as the comet kept gaining altitude. It disappeared into the storm clouds, and the sky exploded in a dome of fire.

"Cute little reunion that."

Nico crushed Ariana into a hug. "I'm so glad you're safe."

"Right back at you, emo boy." Ariana grinned, hugging him tightly.

Then she looked up at Will, smiling softly. "Thank you."

Will nodded, Ariana could've sworn she saw some tears in his eyes. "Everyone in camp has missed you."

"I've missed everyone." Ariana told them.


Ariana spun around to see Drew, the Aphrodite offspring ran towards Ariana, rugby tackling her to the ground.

For once Drew did not care that she was in the mud.

"Oh gods!" Drew cried. "I thought you were dead! I thought you left me like-"

"It's okay." Ariana whispered into her ear.

Drew continued sobbing, Will and Nico stood awkwardly to one side.

The Veiled Legacy | PJO - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now