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"Mother." She breathed out.

Although she had met her mother multiple times before, this was different. The other times it was in a dream like state, this time Ariana was fully conscious and aware of it.

The woman (who still looked sixteen) smiled softly. "Hello again, Ariana."

Silena gave Ariana a slight nudge. "Go, if you don't return I'll tell them you've visited."

Ariana nodded, giving Silena one last hug.

"Thank you." She whispered into her ear.

"Tell Drew that im sorry." Silena whispered back. "I didn't mean to hurt her or anyone."

Pulling away Ariana quickly agreed. The child of Hades knew firsthand how betrayed Drew had felt about the betrayal.

It had changed her, made the daughter of Aphrodite more cold and calculating. Though, Ariana could see past it all and she knew the girl was in pain like nobody else.

Ariana turned back to her mother, who was waiting patiently as she admired the scenery.

"Goodbye Silena." Ariana said quietly, wishing that she didn't have to.

Silena almost laughed. "Don't be so upset, Ari. We'll see each other again, trust me I don't plan on leaving until we are reunited fully."

"It might be sooner than you think." Ariana joked, though deep down she knew she wasn't.

The only reason she was currently standing in Elysium was because of the deadly quest she had been forced on.

And it was quite literally prophecies that if she failed her quest she would die.

Silena rolled her eyes playfully. "Go."

Ariana obeyed the older girls words, walking to her mother, who was still admiring the waterfall and trees.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

Ariana felt inclined to nod her head in agreement. "It is."

Ariana's mother glanced at her daughter, reaching out and smoothing out her black hair.

"Once upon a time you used to be a carbon copy of me." She said. "Though as time went on it seems you got more of your father's appearance."

Ariana remained silent not knowing what to say, until eventually she spoke. "I've been told I act like you."

Cassandra let herself smile, her sea-green eyes sparkling. "Your father's looks and your mother's personality. Let's just hope you have Persephone's charm."

Ariana cracked a smile at the joke, perhaps she was more like her mother than she initially thought.

"Come on." Her mother said, nodding her head to the side. "Let's talk before somebody snitches on you."

Ariana followed her mother back the way Silena had taken her.

"You're on a quest, yes?" She asked.

The Veiled Legacy | PJO - Book TwoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz