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Ariana felt the cold and darkness surround her as the Shadow Travel took over. She was enveloped by nothing but pure, black darkness as the world of the living slowly started to fade away.

She was completely alone in the dark, yet something was drawing her further into the underworld, into the realm of Hades.

As she traveled further into the shadow and deeper and deeper down into the underworld, the darkness continued.

It felt like an eternity passed, but eventually Ariana saw a faint, dim light. It seemed to shine from a door that was a few feet in front of her in the vast expanse of black.

Ariana cautiously approached the door, slowly reaching her hand out. Her fingers made contact with its surface and she slowly opened the door, unsure of what she would see beyond.

She stepped through, her eyes slowly adapting to the light beyond.

Ariana found herself stood in Persephone's garden.

Persephone's Garden waw a grand paradise filled with an incredible diversity of life and beauty. The plants and trees seem to be in a state of constant growth, all bursting forward with bountiful vigor.

The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers and birdsong, creating a calming and tranquil atmosphere.

Illuminated by the light of the sun during the day and the glow of moonlight at night, it is a place of beauty and peace; where one could easily get lost in the sheer magnitude of its lushness.


Ariana practically jumped out of her skin, turning around to face the source of the voice.

Persephone (Ariana's step mother) stood before her, her dark locks spilling down her back like a curtain hiding the darkness.

She was tall, just shy of six feet, and her skin was smooth and soft, with a faint olive hue. Wearing flowing robes that seemed to float around her, she seemed to move gracefully despite being stationary.

A golden crown rested atop her head, gleaming brightly in the light of the underworld. For a moment, Ariana froze before remembering where she was and who stood before her.

Suddenly, anger washed over Ariana. Persephone knew what would've happened when she was sent to Camp Jupiter. Persephone would've known Ariana would have fallen into Tartarus.

Then another thought filled her mind - Hades would've also known. The gods knew their children's fates and yet none of them did anything.

They gave no warnings; barely any help or guidance at all.

A part of Ariana knew she was being unfair, she knew they couldn't change fate. Yet, it didn't matter. The mere thought of it still hurt her.

Not to mention, her father would've known about Nico. Hades would've known his son went to Tartarus alone.

"Persephone." Ariana spoke, not trying to hide her anger or confusion. "Shouldn't you be with your mother? It is the summer after-all."

The goddess looked over the girl and ignored her question. "It was your birthday?"

Ariana nodded, her birthday had passed and the girl was officially seventeen. There had been a time when Ariana didn't think she would ever make it past sixteen.

The odds weren't in the girls favour, everyone thought she would have to say in order to win the war, even Ariana thought this.

And yet, here she was now seventeen. Ariana wanted to laugh at the chances, she wanted to flip off the three fates and say: Booya!

The Veiled Legacy | PJO - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now