Blue Mountains & City Lights

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Sirius went quiet, looking up at the ceiling in thought. It occurred to Elijah that it must have been hard for him to know that his brother stepped in and took the role that Fleamont and Effie had taken when Sirius was younger. For years whilst he was rotting in Azkaban thinking of his brother as being cowardly, he was watching history repeat itself, but this time Regulus had taken it upon himself to be what he couldn't be for his older brother all those years ago. A family.

Remus who picked up on the mood change, cleared his throat, "We'd love to meet your friends. How about Diagon Alley? We can meet them in The Leaky Cauldron?"

"Sounds great, I'll send an owl tomorrow." he smiled, genuinely happy he'd be able to introduce his friends to Sirius and Remus. Both parties were incredibly important to him, and he couldn't wait for them to meet Alix.. Well, all of them. But specifically Alix.

The night drifted into a casual conversation between Remus and Elijah, Sirius still quiet had eventually excused himself to wash up. Before long they were all saying goodnight and taking themselves off to bed.

The next morning Elijah had one last early morning practice and stopped at the wizarding village on his way back to pick up a small gift for Nik, tucking it into his coat pocket before heading back to the cabin.

They were back in London before lunch, and with letters sent to his friends, the boy focused his energy on some homework, until he got bored, already ahead for the term he put away his books, checked the time, and headed down the stairs. Finding Sirius, Remus, and much to his surprise Regulus sitting in the living room. The atmosphere was heavy, and he felt like he had just burst into a private conversation.

"Erm.. Sorry, I didn't know we had company," he murmured, nervously looking to Remus for reassurance.

Remus smiled softly, giving a small nod.

Elijah knew how complex the Black Brothers relationship was, it wasn't that different from the one he had with Harry, though theirs went a lot deeper. Both scarred by the trauma and betrayal of one another. It was one of the reasons the boy was currently working overtime to keep some kind of friendly relationship with his own. Why he was so protective, despite his parents not trusting him.

"Mind putting on the kettle, kiddo?" Remus hummed, the other two adults in the room sitting quietly.

"Ergh, yeah. Sure." he nodded, moving to the kitchen before flickering on the kettle.

The kettle hadn't even finished boiling when Remus entered the kitchen.

"Was it what I said, back in Vancouver? About seeing Regulus? Is Sirius upset? I shouldn't have said anything." he murmured. The thing was, Elijah, could do arguments and fights.. But silence. He hated the silent treatment. He had had to deal with sixteen years of silent treatment, he'd rather everyone just yell, scream, or do anything that would help him understand what went wrong and how he could fix it.

The older man's smile fell, his gaze softening as he slowly approached the other. "No one is mad, kiddo," he murmured, gently resting both hands on the boys' shoulders. He let out a heavy sigh, it was aimed at the situation, not his godson. "They just still have a lot to work out, and things to heal and recover from. It just hurts them both to see history repeat itself before they get to repair their own. Does that make sense?"

Elijah nodded, still feeling guilty for bringing any of it up. "So.. Tea?" he muttered, clearing his throat. Wanting to shake the whole thing off really. He had broken down to Remus on many occasions now, but he was trying to be strong. His godfather could probably only handle one drama queen at a time, which meant he was shit out of luck with both Black Brothers sitting in the living room right now.

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