'Welcome to the world, little one'

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Shit, shit, shit, what do I do? Wanda's thoughts ran around her head and she tried to collect them. Right, get her to the lounge. Get her to lay down. Wanda put her hands on Nat's waist and guided her back to the lounge, where Nat almost collapsed to the floor. Wanda used her magic to keep the woman upright, whilst she used her telekinesis to move the cushions and snack bowl from the sofa. She guided Natasha over to the sofa.

"Lay down," Wanda ordered.


"Lay down!"

Natasha obeyed, laying down on her back the best she could.

"God, Pietro, I could really use you right now," Wanda muttered to herself as she ran to grab towels.

"WANDAAAAA!" Natasha screamed painfully.

"Hang on!" Wanda shouted back, grabbing a handful of towels. "What else do I need?"

She looked around quickly. Towels, got towels. Phone... phone... phone! I need to call Bruce, I can't help Nat give birth! Wanda ran back to the lounge and grabbed her phone.

"Wanda help please!" Natasha cried.

"Hold on, I need to call Bruce!" Wanda replied, fingers shaking as she called Bruce and put it on speaker.

Wanda went over to Natasha and sat in front of her, placing the phone beside her. Eventually, Bruce picked up.

"Hey, what's-"

He was cut off by a scream from Natasha.

"Wanda, what's happening?" Bruce demanded down the phone.

"It's Nat, she's gone into labour!" Wanda replied. "And I don't know what to do!"

"Right, Wanda, we're coming back, just listen to my instruction until we do," Bruce said.

Another pained yell from Natasha.

"Wanda, comfort Natasha, she's going to need it," Bruce said.

"Hey, Nat, it's going to be okay," Wanda held Natasha's hand, in which Nat immediately gripped onto with a vice like grip.

Wanda winced slightly, but did her best not to show pain.

"Can I put calming thoughts into her head?" Wanda asked down the phone.

"As long as they don't affect her labour process."

Wanda used her free hand to put comforting thoughts into Natasha's head. These clearly worked, causing Natasha to calm down slightly.

"That's it, everything's going to be okay," Wanda said softly. "Now what?"

"Did you get any water?" Bruce asked.

"No, Nat went to get a drink but that's when she went into labour."

"Alright, go get some water for her if you can," Bruce told Wanda.

"Nat, you need to let go of my hand," Wanda told Natasha gently, prising the other woman's fingers off her hand.

"Wanda please, stay!" Natasha gasped, fearful.

"Hey, I'm coming back, don't worry, I'm getting you some water," Wanda assured.

"Please, don't leave me!" Natasha pleaded.

Wanda grabbed a cushion and gave it to Natasha.

"Hold onto this until I'm back, I'll be less than a minute," Wanda told the red-head, before running to the kitchen.

"Wanda no!" Natasha's voice faded into the background as Wanda grabbed a plastic cup and filled it up halfway.

Wanda went back as quick as she could without spilling the water, then let Nat grab onto her empty hand again.

"Look I'm back," Wanda said. "Have a small drink."

Natasha shook her head, wailing, "Wanda I can't!"

"Yes you can," Wanda replied firmly, holding the cup to Nat's lips.

After a moment, Nat gave up and took a small sip.

"That's it, you're doing great," Wanda said.

Natasha's cries of pain were calming down. Until the contractions became stronger.

"Bruce, help!" Wanda called down the phone. "I think the baby's about to come out!"

"Alright, follow my instructions."


A short while later, the baby was finally born. The quinjet had just landed outside when Wanda cut the umbilical cord. Wanda heard running footsteps getting closer to the room as she held the small baby gently, picking up a towel. The door burst open and Steve appeared.

"Steve!" Natasha called out weakly.

"Nat, I'm so sorry, I couldn't get here sooner," Steve began to apologise, going over to his girlfriend.

A smile formed on Wanda's lips as she passed the baby wrapped in a purple towel to Natasha. The woman's emerald eyes immediately glistened and a couple of happy tears ran down her face as she cradled her baby.

"Steve... meet our baby girl," Natasha whispered shakily, shifting her position.

Wanda placed a blanket over Natasha's lower body as the rest of the team arrived. They stood in the doorway, watching the wonder that was the Romanoff-Rogers family. Wanda stood back and went over to Bruce.

"You did well," Bruce praised with a smile.

"Thanks," Wanda thanked him. "I didn't think we'd do it."

Bruce placed a hand on the young witch's shoulder and watched the two parents and the small baby.

Natasha pushed herself into a more comfortable position, the child laid in her arms. The little girl was sleeping peacefully, occasionally letting out cute baby noises.

"What's her name?" Steve asked, crouching next to Natasha.

The new mom thought for a moment.

"Anastasia," Natasha replied. "Anastasia Belova Romanoff-Rogers."

Steve let out a breath and kissed Natasha's forehead gently. The baby - as if agreeing with her new name - let out a loud wail, opening her eyes for the first time. Natasha gasped as she saw the baby's emerald green eyes - just like her own.

"Welcome to the world, little one," Steve whispered to Anastasia, using his index finger to gently tickle under her chin.

Anastasia blinked a few times, watching her father with her bright eyes. Natasha passed her little girl to Steve, who cradled the baby with such care that he could be holding fragile glass.

"Anastasia Belova Romanoff-Rogers," Steve repeated her name.

"She's such a beauty," Natasha commented.

"Yes, sweetheart," Steve agreed with his girlfriend. "She very much is."



I totally didn't nearly cry writing this listening to softcore music haha

Do you guys want a one-shot of Anastasia's first word?

My Little Spark - Romanogers OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя