9. The Sea of Sorrows

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Theodore Kim

The name Taehyung nearly forgot for almost a year. The name that was once his only identity. The name that his friends and family used to call so dearly back at his home. The name he wished Jungkook would never know.

But now...

Its drains his blood from face, making him pale and paralysed. He gulps at the expression of his lover as the eerie silence crept in. "Kookie?" He mumbled softly. Jungkook fiercely opens his door and goes around the car to pull Taehyung out. "Get out." The agitated voice sends a shiver down to Taehyung's body but he couldn't move. "I said get the hell out." Jungkook forcefully dragged his lover pushing him onto the ground.

Jungkook's men came running towards them, trying to get a hold of Taehyung so that they can drag him inside like they do to other betrayers. "Don't you dare touch him. He is mine....mine to kill." Jungkook felt a lump on his throat as he said the word 'kill'. Did he actually mean it? He wondered.

He pulled out his pistol and pointed against Taehyung. "Get up and walk." At this point, Taehyung didn't even flinch. The day he anticipated has come so soon. Tears escaped from his eyes however without uttering a single word he got up and walked just as he was asked to. As soon as they entered the enormous building, he saw Hoseok and Yoongi standing in the center. His eyes wandered around realising how low lit and horrifying it looked.

There were chains to hang clasping hands from above, shockers,iron rods, collars, birch rod, tongue tearer, thumb screws, Chappy chopper, types of knives, rifles and an interrogation seat. "Move." Jungkook bawled at the elder pushing him with the gun. Hoseok looked at Taehyung in woe as they both got along so well. Yoongi, even though he never expressed it outside, actually liked Taehyung's sweet talks and how he makes Jungkook smile.

Who would have thought Taehyung would be the devil wearing the mask of an angel. Taehyung was made to sit on the chair. He needn't be chained because Jungkook knew he won't try to escape from him.

It was never his intention to torture Taehyung. Because as soon as Taehyung sat on the chair, one of his men electrocuted him from behind along with a strong punch right on his face. Unexpected pain ripped him apart as he yelped in agony. Jungkook stood stunned with a painful realisation that a piece of his heart was torn away.

"I said nobody fvcking touch him." He yelled as anger emanated. He pointed his pistol at the man who hurt his lover, with one shot on his forehead 💥bang💥 he is dead on floor. Seeing Jungkook shoot his own man in front of him, made Taehyung fear for his life. Even though he had seen Jungkook killing Min Ho before, this ruthlessness was a new face to him.

Jungkook motioned with his hand to one of his men and instantly he was served with a glass of alcohol and a cigarette.

"Now tell me Kim Taehyung or should I call you Theodore Kim? I don't fvcking care who you are. Where are the containers?" Jungkook pulled a chair and sat in from of Taehyung.

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