1. The Hidden Pain

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"Don't shoot."

"Jk we are on a mission, we have to shoot the target and others who are with him." Yoongi knew it's difficult to get his friend back on track.

"JK, listen to him, we have a motive. We can't back down now." Hoseok's heart ached seeing the distress in his friend's face.

"Chief, they are changing cars, we don't have time." One of their teammates pointed out.

"I already killed him once and the regret is still burning my heart, I can't—I just can't see him die again." Jungkook mumbled, a very feeble voice that the others couldn't hear.

"Oh fvck it." Yoongi tilted his sniper rifle aiming using the telescopic sight on their target's head. When Jungkook noticed Yoongi, he immediately looked ahead to see the position of the target walking towards a different car, but Kim Taehyung slid in blocking the view of the target, covering/ protecting the person. Jungkook's eyes widened when he realised if Yoongi shoot now, the 7.62mm bullet would hit Taehyung and kill him instantly.

Kim Taehyung, the man he once loved.


Jungkook moved swiftly towards Yoongi and pushed him altering the angle, but he was too late as the latter pulled the trigger a second ago.

💥 bang💥

The sound echoed in Jungkook's ears making his brain go numb.

"Sh!t they are on us, we have to abort now. 'Mission abort' 'Mission abort' we have to get to safety." Hoseok took in charge as Yoongi was still on ground with Jungkook on top of him. "Get off from me." Yoongi forcefully pushed his friend.

Jungkook lifted his head to see the situation. He saw Taehyung and their target getting into a car and driving off but all other men pointed guns and rifles towards them.

'He is alive. He is fine.' Jungkook comforted himself.

"Jungkook, we need to go, we must leave right now, come on get up." Hoseok pulled the numb headed one and escaped sliding through the mountain valley, rolling down to the low land.

******"What the hell Jungkook? Do you have any idea what is going to happen next? That as$hole JYPark will come after us

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"What the hell Jungkook? Do you have any idea what is going to happen next? That as$hole JYPark will come after us. He know we targeted him and he is not going to sit still." Hitman Bang yelled in full rage and frustration. The fact that Jungkook failed the mission was not the problem, but rather they have put themselves into the lion's den.

"I'm sorry hyung. I will take the responsibility." Jungkook spoke softly lowering his head in shame.

"Take responsibility? What are you going to do? Kill yourself? There is no other option. You are definitely going to face JYP and take the bullet all by yourself." Bang run his hand through hair almost pulling few strands.

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