Chapter 7: Project Screamer

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The doors to the lab open as both Soundwave and (C/n) walk into the chamber. The large room was full of computers and other scientific equipment. However, in the center of the room was the body of Starscream. It lay on the berth, connected to some machine. At the far end of the chamber was the Protofom. Hung up and awaiting activation. One of the computer screens had various data on it along with the outline of Starscream on it. Soundwave walks over to it and presses a few buttons. (C/n) walked over to the Protoform and looked into its nonexistent eyes. It may not be much now, but soon, it will be the strongest warrior. It will become a new Starscream. He turns to Soundwave who gestures for him to come over. (C/n) walked over to Soundwave and then looked at the console Soundwave was messing with.

Soundwave steps aside and the Decepticon Heir looks at the console and it's contents. It seemed like a formula for the Protoform. (C/n) looked at Soundwave.

(C/n): "How long will this take?" he asks.

Soundwave: "Not long. It's already for activation, however. It requires your input." he said, using various recordings. "You did want certain aspects did you not?"

(C/n) remains quiet before he looked at the console. He stepped up and inspected the formula before hesitantly pressing a set of buttons. Soundwave watches as various traits and aspects are added to the formula. This process gets faster and faster as (C/n) gets more comfortable with it. Soundwave isn't too surprised as he figured the boy reads through Nightshade's various logs and all her data that's been stored on the ship. After some time, (C/n) stops and steps away from the console. Soundwave steps in and looks at (C/n)'s work. He's impressed but knows that it's time. After everything is set, he presses a button. The tubes connected to the old Starscreams body began sucking out Energon and the process begins. As the Energon is extracted, the tubes connected to the Protoform's machine begin pushing the Energon into the protoform. Some electricity coats the machine and then the Protoform. The Protoform twitches and jerks around before a new frame begins to form on it.

(C/n) watches on in awe at this process. After some time, the Protoform's helm is formed and their red optics activate. The newly formed Cybertronian detaches itself from the machine and steps forward a few feet before flexing their various joints. (C/n) and Soundwave take their time before walking towards this new Cybertronian and New Decepticon. (C/n) gets a good look at the New Starscream. the New Starscream had a new frame that was not as slim as the old one. it was slightly bulky yet sleek at the same time. he had a red, black and white color scheme. The New Starscream finishes flexing his joints and then takes notice of (C/n). He quickly kneels before him with professionalism.

Starscream: "Lord (C/n)." he says with unwavering respect.

(C/n): "Arise, Starscream." he orders.

The New Starscream stands up to his full height and matches the height of Soundwave.

(C/n): "Where does your loyalty lie? To yourself, or to Megatron?"

Starscream: "Lord Megatron of course. I have no need for traitorous actions, unlike my predecessor." he replies, standing at attention.

(C/n): "So you're aware that you're a clone?" he asks.

Starscream: "indeed, Lord (C/n). The Former me was a fool, but I am no such thing. My loyalty is true and strong unlike that coward." he replies, casting a disapproving glance at the body of the Old Starscream that was in the room.

(C/n): "That so?" he asks. "Well then Starscream, let's see what your capable of."

Soundwave then picks up on something and taps (C/n)'s shoulder. The Decepticon Heir turned to him and looked at his visor. An audio recording showed up and the following words came from Soundwave.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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