Chapter 2: Catching Up

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Loud metallic steps are heard echoing throughout the halls of the Decepticon Warship. Megatron was walking down the corridor with his heir by his side. He wanted to show his Heir what he had planned. Before this, (C/n) was told of what he has missed by Megatron and occasionally Soundwave who interrupted a few times to add additional context. At the moment, he knows that the Decepticons are not all on this planet, most of them are scattered looking for more Autobots. Their mission here on Earth is still unclear, but his sire wishes to conquer this planet for reasons unknown. He also learned that they have a Space Bridge in Earth's Orbit and Megatron plans to use it for one of his schemes.

Megatron had yet to get into details about Nightshade and her demise back on Cybertron. He mainly told him the basics. Barricade was now amongst the crew of the Warship. Holding a similar rank to Starscream now since the seeker was no longer Second in Command. The decision surprised (C/n) as he hadn't exactly proven himself, but he imagines his sire has plans for that. He'd also been told about a little something his sire had collected during the 3 years he had been away from Earth, something that they were going to see.

Megatron: "You seem puzzled, (C/n). Do speak your mind." he beckons.

(C/n): "I am curious about my carrier. Barricade spoke of her lightly, but I do not know much about her." he explains.

Megatron: "Ah, I see. You share her curiosity for one thing. But Nightshade was one of my best warriors and an exceptional scientist. Unlike Starscream, she made the perfect Second in Command. But I never saw her as a mere soldier to send into battle, I saw her as my equal. I cared about her so much that it pained me to have to lay her to rest after her demise back on Cybertron. Since that day I vowed to make the Autobots pay for what they have done, but my anger subsided a little. Especially since your arrival." he explained.

(C/n): "How so?" he asks.

Megatron: "The day your carrier perished, I believed you had been terminated as well. But I have Barricade to thank for bringing you home, if he hadn't discovered you, I would've continued to believe you were terminated on Cybertron." he explains further.

The two stop in front of a door that led to a chamber. Megatron turned to his heir.

Megatron: "I understand if all of this is a lot to take in. But fret not, you will fully understand everything once I show you what I have in store for the Autobots." he explains, showing a caring side towards his heir.

(C/n): "That is?" he asks.

Megatron grins sinisterly before he presses a button opening the door. He then marched inside the room with (C/n) following suit. In the center of the room was a large chunk of pink energon. He could just feel the menacing aura around them. As they walked closer, (C/n) looked ever more curious.

(C/n): "What is this?" he asks in pure awe seeing the Crystals.

Megatron: "This is believed to be the Blood of Unicron the Destroyer. Dark Energon." he answers. "Your carrier believed that the substance could be controlled, so I decided to further your mother's hypothesis by testing it for myself." he explains.

He turns to his son as his eyes glowed pink a little.

Megatron: "I now hold a symbiotic link to the dark matter."

(C/n): "excuse my ignorance, but how does this help with your battle against the Autobots?" he asks.

Megatron: "Dark Energon possesses the ability to revive the dead into mindless hordes of which I can command. So, I plan to use the Space Bridge to revive all of Cybertron's dead to create an Army big enough to not only take Earth, but many more worlds beyond the one we currently fight over." he explains. "But Starscream's medaling put a halt to my plans. However, I imagine Soundwave will think of an alternative solution to our current predicament."

Heir of Terror (Male Decepticon Reader X Transformers Prime)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz