Beautiful Surprises

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Your Pov:

After driving for a short while, Raman stopped the car. He turned to me and said...

Raman - Time for the blindfold.
You - Again? (You whined)
Raman - C'mon just once.
You - Fine but its the last time, okay?
Raman - Promise.

He blindfolded me again. Just like last time, he helped me walk to the place.

Raman- Ready?
You - Remove it already.
Raman - Alright alright.

He removed the blindfold and again I was awestruck by what I saw. This guy was literally best in giving surprises.

There was a deck which surrounded a small pond. On the deck were a few trees decorated with wired (not weird) yellow lights which looked like little stars adorned on the trees. There were lanterns hung from the trees that gave the place a royal essence to the place. Below a tree, stood a table and 2 chairs. The table has a white tablecloth on top of which 2 plates and wine glasses were placed. A few lamps surrounded the chairs lighting the place. The entire thing looked vintage and royal.

(This is basically the place which I described

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(This is basically the place which I described. The idea is inspired by pinterest)

Raman - Did you like the surprise?
You - I like it so so much. Its just indescribably beautiful.
Raman - Not more beautiful than you tho.
You - (hit him in the arm playfully) Stop with this flirting now.
Raman - I am being serious.
You chuckle.

He takes my hand and leads me to the chair. He pulls the chair for me and then sits down on the other chair.
Raman - Wait here.
You - where are you going?
Raman - Be patient, you will know.

He came back in 5 minutes with a basket in his hand.

You - What is this?
Raman - Its food. What else would it be?
You - Where did you get it from?
Raman - I did magic.
You - Stop joking.

He laughed and then said....

Raman - There is restaurent nearby. I got it from there. I had already placed the order half an hour ago. I ordered the items which I saw you eating in our previous get togethers.
You - Really?
Raman - Yeah.
You - Oh my god. These are actually my favourite dishes. Thank you so much.
Raman - Its my pleasure Mi Lady.

I smiled at his gesture. It instantly reminded me of how Shubman had ordered my favs in the cafe the other day. I felt sad but instantly shrugged the thoughts off my mind. I didn't want to ruin the date he was putting so much effort in, just because of my mood.

Raman served the food in my plate and took some himself. As soon as I took the first bite, I instantly fell in love with the food. It was just so delicious. I looked up from my plate and found Raman looking at me with a fond smile.

You - Why are you staring at me like I am some ghost (I joked).
Raman - Nothing. Just that you are really childish and cute.
You - Well, that I am.

I said with a proud face and he laughed. He then took a tissue and wiped my lips.

Raman - There was some sauce on your lips.
You - Oh thanks.

I suddenly felt heat rise up my face and tried to cover it by keeping my face down towards the food

As I was eating, Raman suddenly cleared his throat. I looked up at him.

Raman - Umm I wanted to confess something.
You - sure.
Raman - I dont know how to say it but I have liked you for a long time now. I didn't want to make things awkward for us and also I was always nervous so I couldn't really ask you out. But now that I did, I want to ask you one important question. Will you be my girlfriend?

This much for this chapter.... I think Sara and Raman's dialogues were a little bit similar but I hope its alright cuz both of them were in similar situation.

 I think Sara and Raman's dialogues were a little bit similar but I hope its alright cuz both of them were in similar situation

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So this is basically the sum total of your date.I tried my best to find the prettiest place for the date. Some pics are additional just for the aesthetics🙃

And finally plz vote and comment down your thoughts on the chapter.

Stay happy and blessed ✨️

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