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You - Umm do you like Sara?

Shubman suddenly looked at you. His eyes were unreadable as if he didn't want you to know what he is thinking.

Shubman -( in a serious tone) What are you talking about?

You - Dont act all innocent. I am just asking if you actually like Sara. You have not opened up about it even after all the controversy. As your bestfriend, I have the right to know. Don't I?

Shubman- (sigh) I really dont know. She is a really sweet girl. I really like her as a friend but I dont know if I like her romantically. I love to chat with her just like you but I don't know what she means to me.

You - You aren't planning to give the 'bestfriend' title to her, are you?

Shubman- What?? No I am not...

You chuckled

You - chill, I was just kidding. You should have looked at your face just now. And anyway I will abduct you and cut you into pieces and feed those pieces to dogs if you dare to do that.

Shubman turned his head towards you with the speed of flash.

You just shrugged your shoulders.

Shubman - You are crazy bish.

You- (devilish smile) I know sweetheart.

Shubman - Eww you look creepy.

Both of you laughed out loud at that.

You- Now look at that smiling face which looked like swollen potato minutes ago.

Shubman- Whom are you calling swollen patato?

You - you... whom else?

Shubman- what?? I am not a swollen potato.(he whined)

You- Yaa Yaa sure..But jokes apart, you should think about how you feel for Sara. If you like her, you should ask her out. I know you very well. She is the second person who makes you the happiest.

Shubman raised his eyebrow in confusion.
Shubman - Who is the first?

You - Thats me bish.

Shubman( smirk)- Then should I date you?

Unexpected loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن