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(Ok so some backstory. Raman is your friend since you were 15 and he was always your closest friend. You also had the biggest crush on him yet never really told him since you were scared to ruin your existing relation with him. But since a few years, your interactions with him reduced a lot. Maybe it was because of work and your hectic life. You still chatted a lot during your vecations tho. And now since Shubman is your best friend, you already told him about your life before meeting him. So, he knows about Raman and has also met him. Once, you practically blackmailed him with an ugly photo of his to come with you when you were going to meet Raman.)

Shubman - whatt??

You - Yaa, he called me 10 minutes ago saying he really likes me and wants to take me out on a date.

Shubman - So what did you say??

You - I haven't replied to him yet. I just said that I'll talk later since there is an emergency with a player. I dont know what to do. I really liked him a lot and now that he had literally proposed me, I dont know what to say? Ahh I am so stupid....

There was a sudden change in Shubman's face. His eyes became dark. His smile disappeared and his jaw clenched. The air around him suddendly became dense. But you were so in your thoughts that you didn't really notice the change.

Shubman - I dont really like that guy.
(He said out of the blue)

You - huh? And why is that?

Shubman - I dont know. Just don't like his vibes.

You - Are you stupid or something? Who dislikes a person just because they don't match the vibes? Seriously?
(You roll your eyes)

Shubman - I do. Anyway, what have you decided?

You - Well, I am thinking of giving him a chance. I will go on a date with him and see how it goes. I like him anyway so its a win win situation for me.

Shubman - Noo. I mean what if he doesn't treat you right? Or if he isn't your type? Or you suddenly feel that you don't like him?

You - Calm down baby boy. If any of the mentioned thing happens then I will politely turn him down. Then we would still be friends.

Shubman's face lit up at that. You noticed it this time.

You - Hey whats with this happy expression? Don't you want me to settle with the one I have crushed over so long?? ( you raise your eyebrows).

Shubman - Ahh its not like that. Anyways its late, I should go to my room now.

You - Did you give a thought about the 'Sara' matter? (You said just as he was turning the door knob).

Shubman- I did but I think I need more time.

You - Ooh.

(Somewhere in your heart, you felt upset. You didn't exactly know why but it just hurt you seeing him in this state. And even tho you push him to think about his feelings, you somewhat aren't really fond of Sara. You dont hate her but you feel he is snatching Shubi from you. You actually had no clue why.)

Shubman - Yaa. Good Night

You - Hmm. Good Night.

Shubman went to his room. He sat on the bed.

"Why am I so hesitant about her dating Raman? Why don't I like him? Am I being selfish? Am I being over protective?" He asked himself. After thinking a lot, he went for ," Nah, I am just looking out for my bestfriend. I dont want her to get hurt. Its fine." With an unsettling feeling, he went to sleep.

[ Author - He is such a dummy.....*dramatic sigh*

Shubman - Get lost Idiot.

Author - yelp!! Byeeee ]

So, this much for this part....see you in the next one

Stay happy and blessed✨️
Bye ~

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