Going Out

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So as promised, you took out the next day to visit some cafes so that Shubman's mood gets better. You wanted him to relax because he was working himself too much. You were worried that he would sicken himself with all the overworking.

He has already told you about the address and timing. He asked you to be outside the hotel gate at the mentioned time and he just as he said, he picked you up from the hotel and took you to a cafe which was around 30 minutes away. The cafe was really cute and it had only a few customers(probably the reason Subhman chose it to avoid the prying eyes of people).

You both took seats at a nearby table which Shubman has reserved already. His mood seemed better now compared to yesterday. He gave the orders making sure everything was according to your liking and while waiting for it, you looked at the view outside which was completely mesmerizing.

Soon, the food arrived and both of the started eating while chatting. Everything was going smoothly. Suddenly, a man about 25 approached your table. He stood near your table and called out, " hey excuse me.." Both of you turned your heads in his direction.

Shubman then spoke up,"Yes?" The man then said," Actually I am fan of yours and if you dont mind, can you give me an autograph?"

Although you could clearly see that Shubman didn't like the idea of being disturbed in the middle of his conversation but he didn't want to be rude to the guy. So he said," Umm ya sure.." With that he signed the dairy, the fan had passed him. While Shubman was signing it, the guy looked at you making you uncomfortable but you kept quiet. After taking the diary, the guy thanked him and went back to his table.

5 minutes would have barely passed after the whole autograph thing, when you felt someone's stare. You look around to the nearby tables and your eyes land on the autograph guy, who came to your table minutes ago.

As soon as you look at him, he looks away. You ignore him. After a minute, you felt the same thing and this time you directly looked at him and as expected, he looked away. This continued for once more and then you could not stand it. You felt uneasy.

Shubman noticed your uncomfort. " What happened? Do you have a problem?" He asked.

So thats probably it for this chapter.

Stay safe and healthy. Bye~

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