Mustering the courage once more, Seth draws closer this time. Startled, Lucy closes her eyes as if she was preparing for the worst and the best. The young man reaches his goal and gives a small peck on her forehead.

Lucy's eyes shot wide as Seth quickly retreated. Bright as an apple, Seth avoided her gaze. The two could not help but feel the rush coursing through their veins. The two were undeniably happy... but Lucy could not help but feel a pang of disappointment in her heart.

The young maiden suddenly chuckled, drawing Seth's attention once more. "F-for a second there, I thought there was something else." Lucy teased as Seth reddened even more. "Ah, but I shouldn't expect too much from a gobs, isn't that right?" Seth was utterly gob-smacked as his jaw dropped slightly. The playful tease within Lucy's eyes never changed as he quaked in his boots.

The young lady even had the gall to give a smirk of her own. She truly believed she had won this time. That he failed despite his countless victories. Seth was not having it. Mustering his courage once more, the young man approaches the young lady in stride.

"Oh? Is our little gobs upset?" Lucy quipped as she gave a chuckle. An annoying, but surprisingly adorable chuckle in Seth's ears. Seth truly was at a loss how someone can be so brazen yet so adorable-

No focus! We are going for it this time!

Seth felt his throat tighten up before swallowing in commitment. "Hmm? Is there something you want to say, gobs dear?" Lucy laughed, ignorant of the current commitment the man was preparing for.

...You asked for it. Seth thought to himself as his right hand gently brushed off her hair from her ear. Sapphire eyes widened in horror, realizing too late what was happening as Seth drew closer.

Their lips meet. Warm to the touch and surprisingly salty, the two savored one another's warmth and presence. Lucy felt her mind go blank. Suddenly, nothing in the world mattered.

As if finally reuniting with her missing piece, Lucy had forgotten everything. The war, the blood, the screaming, the betrayal, the horrors, the fears, everything was gone. For an instant, the darkness was gone. Only the warm touch remained.

Seth, who spent every day resisting his family's influence, had found warmth. A woman's warmth, one that cannot be traded with all of his possessions combined. Though given the chance, he would gladly surrender all that he had.

His titles, his wealth, his prestige, his honor, and even his life's work, he was ready to give it all if it meant to keep this warmth for the rest of his life. To keep this beautiful gift from the Gods by his side.

It was not long, however, when the cold inevitability separated them both. Their lips bid farewell as the two drew in deep breaths as they had forgotten to breathe in the moment. They were on a rush. The feeling, the warmth, it was beautiful. It was mesmerizing. The two barely registered what had happened between them when they felt the warmth fading from their lips.

Lucy had never despised the cold winds as much as she does now. She needed that warmth. Seth never knew how hungry he had been and how much he craved for that warmth once more.

It felt so empty. Both of them had never despised the cold void as much as they do so now. Both knew they should stop there, but the two were still unsatisfied- no, they had been unsatisfied from the very beginning. Hungry for one another's warmth, their love. The two yearned for it. Their appetite suddenly rose to new heights as they drank each other's image.

Sapphire and emerald met, savoring one another's presence as if it was all that mattered in the world. "...Yuck." Though the two knew they had to go back to reality, they never knew it would take form in the smallest, but cruelest of creatures.

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