Chapter Seventeen- The Dreaded Moment and Close Call

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                                             ANNABEL'S P.O.V

I stayed up all night thinking of what I was suppose to warn Eric about the more I thought about the more  had a gut wrenching feeling that it had something to do with Damien. The feeling got so strong I couldn't sit still I got up and walked around the room. I ran my hands through my hair trying to find the hair pin I soon found it and pulled it out. I walked to the door and tried to unlock it again I shifted uncomfortably I was still wearing my bloodied clothes and it stuck to my body. I finally unlocked the door and sneaked out I tipped toed through the hall.

I found myself trying to find Damien's office I was taking so many turns and turning back so many times I wondered how long I was out here.  In the hallway I was now in I heard muffled voices I tried to follow the sound and I came up to a door. I slowly and quietly walked up to it and pressed my ear against it to listen the were two voices on the other end. I quickly recognize them they were John and Damien I noticed it has been a while since I seen John  and I was grateful.

"So what are you planning to do?" John asked I heard papers shuffling and a drawer being closed "I'm sending you to take care of business" Damien answered. "Why?'' John sounded shock and confused "Because I'll be going next time and I have take care of this wolf problem" Damien sounded serious and bored at the same time. Damien answered an unspoken question "I'm going to kill her mate and then the Alpha then our problems should be solved" he sighed. My body tensed and my heart ached I had to warn Eric but how tried talking to him but I failed miserably.

It doesn't matter now I'll figure out the rest later I continued to listen to the conversation "How do you know which wolf is her mate?" John questioned. I heard footsteps I held my breath "Trust me I'll know" Damien said ending the conversation. The footsteps came towards the door and I took off on my heels as fast as I can. But sadly I heard the footsteps still behind me I ran faster trying not to trip my eyes ran everywhere wildly trying to find my room.

I let out a small breath as I noticed I was getting closer to my room but the footsteps were still behind me I quickly realized that they were following me. I made it my room and I swung the door open and tried my best not to slam it closed and I was successful. I leaned against it and let out a relieved breath I made it.

But I spoke to soon.

The door opened and I stumbled out the way nearly falling on my face but a hand roughly caught my arm and pulled me up against their chest. I looked up to see John with a smirk on his face my stomach dropped in fear. I looked into his eyes and I saw lust I tried to jerk my arm away from him but it was no use. He leaned down "I knew you were listening" he purred I was still struggling "I won't say anything" I said fear in my voice. He chuckled and pushed me against the wall "How can I trust you" his voice was husky.

I tried to push him off me but he pressed his body against mine to seize my movement a whimper escaped me. "Shh, baby don't cry" his lips brushed against mine "Get off me!" I exploded he chuckled "Make me" he nibbled my ear and I shivered in disgust. His hands were at my waist pulling me closer and I started to panic. I shoved at his chest but he wouldn't move before I knew it he had me on the mattress holding my arms above my head with one hand and holding my face with the other.

''John don't-" I was cut off when his lips crushed on mine forcing his tongue down my throat gagging me. Once he satisfied himself he started to kiss along my jaw and neck he let go of my arms and let his hands roam my body. "Stop" I begged a tear escaped he pretend to not hear me and continued kissing down to my chess.

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