Part 12/4 Rose Marie Becomes a Guest Again

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Rose Marie was helping Aunt Bea clean up a mess. The dead man made a mess. Dying is messy. She was not distressed by the clean-up, she had certainly seen worse over the years, and she knew this man got what he deserved. Any man who took his own daughter to a madman's prison deserved to be shot into pieces. In a way, she felt proud of Miss Beatrice. She don't take no bullshit, she thought as she scrubbed one of the bloody stains on the wall. Aunt Bea is what they call a badass.

Aunt Bea had gone out back to pick some zinnias from the garden to spruce up the place. "We have to make this place presentable again," she said, "and flowers always brighten up a home."

Rose Marie was in the kitchen when she saw Humble Booker drive up out back. She watched him walk in the back door. He came through the house and, as she soon found out, was looking for her.

"I need you downstairs," he said, "Charles wanted us to check on Naomi."

"I checked on her earlier. Miss Naomi is not doing well."

"He insisted you accompany me," said Humble as he smiled his wolf grin not bothering to hide his amusement.

Rose Marie wanted to run, but he she knew she could not outrun this giant man. She wanted to scream for help, but she knew Miss Beatrice could not hear her.

"Are you going to hurt me, Mr. Booker?" she asked.

"Not right away," said Humble and paused for that to sink in. "Not if you cooperate."

Humble followed Rose Marie downstairs. He steered her in the direction of storage and unlocked the door. "Ladies first," he said.

"Not in here, Mr. Booker, I do not like it in here. I am frightened in this place. It is evil here."

Humble just looked at her, annoyed and impatient for his fun to begin. "Get in there you old bitch, I know you done toured this place once. If you hadn't been so damn nosey, you might still be upstairs."

He walked her through the room with the collection of clothing and artifacts and straight back to the room Rose Marie last fled screaming. He opened the door, but did not turn on the lights. "Keys?" he asked as he held out his hand.

Rose Marie handed him her keys and walked into the dark room as Humble gave her a shove and slammed the door shut. He'd deal with her later. Time for some fun.

Rose Marie found herself lying in a completely dark room in a pile of people that felt like all arms and legs. She thought about Lauren with arms where legs go and legs where arms go. She felt like Lauren was on top of her. She began to claw her way out. She felt her way around and found the door and beat on it with her fists. She screamed for help, but none came.

Humble stayed outside the room listening to the screams and enjoying them, but he was soon bored. He left. He was headed to his date with a Spitfire girl.

Rose Marie got control of her breathing. She took deep breaths and listened. She heard nothing, but she waited for about twenty more minutes. She reached for the light and cut it on. She looked around and crossed herself. She made a speech to those gathered:

"God Bless you all, especially you Miss Lauren." She nodded towards Lauren and continued her speech: "I am sorry for what happened to you. I tried to kill the man who did this to you, but I failed. For that, I am sorry too. I cannot stay, but I promise you - I will send help so that you can once again be reunited with your families and you can go home. God bless you all."

Rose Marie crossed herself again and reached for her extra hidden set of keys in her underwear. She was no fool. She opened the door and peeked out. She tiptoed down the hall and past Naomi's room. She paused and listened for Mr. Booker's voice but did not hear it, so she continued down the hall and towards the stairs to freedom.

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