Part 3/4 The Meanest Man in the World Makes Trouble

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You don't get to be the meanest man in the world by laying low and staying out of trouble and otherwise going unnoticed. It is just not in your DNA or nature to be unremarkable, and thus, it is your duty to stir things up and make things exciting. Besides, being ordinary and following routines is just plain boring, and Randall Michael was bored.

He tried, the devil knows he tried. For two solid weeks, and he knew it was two solid weeks because he marked it off the calendar in the hotel room in his hidey hole hotel. With each mark he made on the calendar, he felt like he was clawing his eyeballs out. He did not like laying low, and he did not like taking orders from anyone, including his crazy ass boss, Charles. On the thirteenth day of ordering pizza and walking to the Seven Eleven for beers, he decided he deserved an award for being so good. He had never been good for two solid weeks and he deserved a reward, he justified in his mind.

That is how Randall Michael Wall found himself in a bar brawl two hours later. All over a Patsy Cline song on the jukebox that he played seven times in a row. The guy that threw the first punch said he liked Patsy Cline too, but enough was enough. Randall Michael Wall, the master of instigation and annoyance, threw the second punch and the third and the fourth and almost beat a man to death over a song called appropriately enough - Crazy.

That is how, Randall Michael Wall found himself in a jail cell in Brownsville, Texas for three days. On the third day, he made bail with an order to appear in court in a week and an order not to leave town. Thirty minutes after his release from jail, Randall Michael Wall left town. He was done laying low. He was going home.

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