Chapter 39

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Epilogue of the Dark Side

It almost felt like a dream, his entire experience on Naboo, meeting his past self, killing Sidious, everything. Being back in the halls of a Star Destroyer made it surreal even to Vader.

But the Force sang out to him as he sensed the wary and troubled souls aboard the ship: crew, officers, and troopers alike. He didn't blame them. This was the past; they had traveled through time unnerving prospect for most. Unlike him, they had not had the chance to venture out to see the truth and grasp the implications. It took Vader himself confirming it when he first arrived from Coruscant. Anyone that thought Vader was joking about time-traveling was more than welcome to come and discuss it with him, face to face.

So far, none had worked up the courage to do so, for that topic at least.

Vader awoke from his long overdue session in a bacta tank, his yellow eyes narrowed at the door. He could sense it, the swelling of anger and confusion. He eyed his suit, lying on a medical bed in front of his tank. He was going to upgrade it soon, but it would have to do for now. The essentially had been repaired, that was all that mattered for now.

Using the Force on the control, the bacta emptied from the tube, leaving his limbless body hanging. Putting on his own limbs and armor was a routine he was well versed in after all these years. He was dependent on no one. And if he had his way, he wouldn't be dependent on this suit either, one day.

But today had its own complications.

His breathing filled the medical bay as he made sure there were no problems. No serious problems at least, like the risk of his arm falling off in mid-stride, or his life-support short-circuiting. Finding that all was as well as he could expect, he ventured out into the hallway.

He was only mildly surprised to see a small brawl going on between some officers. Considering no one had drawn their blaster pistols, he assumed no one was trying to kill anyone.

Still, this was a terrible display on their part.

With a wave of his hand, half of the officers were pulled off and towards one of the walls. The fighting stopped instantly, his breath echoing ominously as they all turned to face him.

"Lord Vader!"

They quickly move to salute, but several boldly and openly glared at him.

"What is the meaning of this?" he snapped, his ire pouring out like a terrible miasma.

They all shook in their uniforms, down to their boots. One brave man saluted Vader. "Lieutenant Starng, My Lord! Lieutenant Larns-" he paused to glance at the officer in question, directly to his right. "-and others were trying to force their way into the medbay to...speak with you. We were attempting to turn them away, but..."

Starng trailed off, prompting Vader to turn towards Larns. The man's dislike for the Sith Lord was unhidden yet new. If Vader wagered, he'd bet that this officer wanted to give him more than just words. "Well, Lieutenant. You have my attention. Speak."

Larns bristled under the order but otherwise kept his composure. "Sir, I understand everything, to a point. We are in the past, before the Clone Wars. How, I don't even think you know. But we have to be careful about our situation, obviously," he started, as he looked up at Vader before yelling. "So why, by all the stars, did you kill the Emperor!?"

The question echoed in the halls, and in the ears of the officers.

"Why did you kill the Empire before it was even born!? Did you just want power, Sir? Did you-" Larns continued to rattle off until he felt pressure on his throat by an unseen force.

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