Chapter 2

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'Master...should something about the Sith?' Obi Wan mentally inquired to Qui Gon, via telepathy. Having conversations like this wasn't always the easiest of tricks, but it got simpler with repeated use, especially on the same target and more so with a willing one that was force sensitive.

'On what grounds, Padawan? He's made no hostile action to us and is aiding a recognized leader of a republic planet. The only thing he's guilty of is looking far more intimidating than needed and PROBABLY being a Sith. Neither of which are a recognized crime in the republic,' Qui Gon pointed out.

'Probably, Master?' Obi Wan asked with a raised eyebrow.

'Don't mistake me, Padawan: If this man is not technically a Sith, he is still someone equally as dangerous in the Dark Side. But there isn't much of a way to prove to a non-sensitive that someone is a Sith,' Qui Gon explained, 'Even if we did apprehend him, we'd have to explain it to the Queen.'

'...I get the distinct impression that wouldn't go well,' Obi Wan thought uneasily.

"If you are quite finished chatting, Jedi?" Darth Vader asked suddenly from the front, as the group stopped at the entrance to the hangar, "We could use you in the front."

More than a few of the Nabooians raised an eyebrow at that comment while the Jedi barely caught their stiffening before it occurred. Shaking off their unease with grace, they came to the front with the Queen, Governor, Captain, and Sith, 'Sounds like the start to a bad joke,' Obi Wan couldn't help thinking, as they made sure to stand on the opposite side of the Sith.

Vader seemed to minutely glance at Obi Wan, making the Padawan wonder if the dark-sider had some highly advanced telepathy to hear the stray thought. In the end, the cyborg glanced back to the gap in the door, looking into the hanger filled with droids and prisoners, "There are between twenty and thirty droids in that hanger," Darth Vader summarized.

"We're going to need to free those hostages," Panaka stated for confirmation, getting a nod from the Dark Lord.

'By the Force, what idiots would keep prisoners, let alone enemy pilots, in the hanger filled with Starfighters and a ship?' Darth Vader couldn't help pondering over the incompetency of the Trade Federation sometimes, "Governor, you are staying?" Vader asked knowingly, sensing the man's intent.

The older man nodded dutifully, "While the queen is needed at the senate, someone does need to remain here for the direct role of trying to aid our people, despite what little that now is," Bibble answered without fear.

"Admirable," Darth Vader acknowledged with a brief nod, before looking to the ambassadors, "Jedi, you take the half on the right; I'll deal with the half on the left."

"There's twice as many on the left," Obi Wan commented with a raised eyebrow.

"Very observant, Padawan," Vader said dryly, getting a scowl from his teacher-from-the-former-timeline, "Captain, get everyone on that ship as quickly as possible. I trust you can handle any stray droids that may be within it," He ordered before turning to the Queen, "Unless you have reason to delay, it is time to go, Your Highness," Vader warned, his lightsaber already in hand.

"At your ready, Lord Vader," The queen accepted with a regal nod.

The Jedi, still a bit uneasy about the Sith, mentally agreed on one thing- they didn't have a better plan. In fact, that more or less was Qui Gon's plan any way, so any disagreement would seem pettier than anything else.

The droids and prisoners looked to the group instantly, the breath of Vader drawing the attention of all that would hear. An OOM Commander Droid stepped forward as the gap between them grew ever shorter. And while this droid knew this being had an odd appearance, he did not recognize such things as inherently threatening, "Where are you taking these prisoners?" The droid inquired to the dark humanoid creature.

Darth Vader: Hero of NabooWhere stories live. Discover now