Chapter 23

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"This is a trap," Oppo Rancisis observed gravely as he slithered towards the Master of the Order.

"Knew this, we did, when we set forth," Yoda remarked sagely as he peered through the Force, ignoring Sidious entirely in all his obvious maliciousness. There was, indeed, another here, but well hidden. Then again, this Darth Sidious's rage and fury radiating through the Force was like its own camouflage for other Dark Siders.

"Sometimes, the only thing to do is spring the trap," Qui-Gon remarked grimly.

"Is that what you teach your Padawan?" Evan asked with a grunt.

"As my master did me, and his him," Qui-Gon opined calmly.

It took a moment for some to look towards Yoda, who shrugged. "Incorrect, he is not."

"Still, we need to be cautious about this," Dooku cut in. "We cannot afford to divide ourselves too thinly, if at all."

"No more than three groups," Windu stated firmly as he looked over their numbers. All but two of the High Council and a dozen more masters who had been nearby after all the commotion started.

Twenty-two Jedi Masters, and who knew how many would see another day.

"But I'd rather it be only two," Mace added on.

"A small group should remain here, in case one or both attempt to flee," Oppo Rancisis stated.

It went without saying that the group could also call in support or...get word back to the temple and the republic of their deaths.

Mace Windu nodded. "Masters Nat-Sem, Vono, Sinube, Trebor, Krataley and Dooku will stand watch here for now, while the rest of us attempt to flush out these Sith Lords."

Dooku scowled, but nodded. There was valid reasoning for him to remain here; He had old bonds with both Yoda and Qui-Gon. Leaving him out would give the smaller group an idea of the situation.

They all tensed before dark looks came over them. "Impatient one, isn't he?" Poof remarked with a frown as they sensed a most unwelcome development.

Sidious was plaguing the Temple through the Force once more.


Obi-Wan winced as he tried not to stumble through the halls. The second time around, this insidious Sith's whispers in the Force were easier to handle.

That or he was just getting accustomed to having the Dark Side assault his psyche.

He truly didn't want to consider that notion too deeply.

He stopped mid-step, remembering that he was not alone. He looked back and saw that Ahsoka had fell to her knees, but was already trying to get back up.

Perhaps he had been wrong. Perhaps this barrage was just weaker. He hoped so, for the sake of the younglings. These recent events had been hard on them all.

He watched her for a moment, to see if she needed help. She was gritting her teeth and clutching her head, but she was slowly walking forward.

Obi-Wan vaguely recalled her, the little Togruta that had been with Anakin earlier. If the situation was anything else, he would be mentally preparing a joke or two about Anakin having made a friend so quickly.

He forced himself to focus, gazing forward towards the door of the council room. He wasn't sure what he'd do, what the point was of this still. If nothing else, it gave him a task to distract him from-

-The Temple exploding, Coruscant in ruins, vast hosts of warships filling the skies, billions dead, the survivors being taken awake for horrible, twisted, hopele-

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