Chapter 9

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Plagueis, commonly known as Hugo Damask, casually batted away a stray bolt of Sith-lightning, stroking his chin as he observed Sidious's deflating rage with partial concern but mostly interest. The younger Sith Lord was seethng like an animal lost in its own battle instincts even with no one left to kill, panting heavily as his senses started to return with each item he destroyed or hurled with the force. The Muun was perhaps too indulgent in this unbecoming behavior, but it was the least he could do. Sidious had weathered a similar display on his part after the assassination attempts that a Hutt of all creatures foiled.

Still, his apprentice hadn't been like this since the dawning days of his training. And he wouldn't destroy such a useful tool in a petty tantrum, he noted, while glancing down at the body of "Darth" Maul. The true Dark Lord of the Sith was already subtly manipulating the midi-chlorians to heal the body so that he could revive it soon. Altering his memories might be needed as well. But first, he had a rather distraught apprentice to bring back to reality. He was impressed though, with Sidious's unconscious multitasking. He didn't even have to help Sidious keep themselves hidden, the Veil of the Dark Side holding firmly to hide this great use of power.

Though, as another bolt almost hit his oxygen supply, he resolved to teach his apprentice how to put a cap on his power when lost in such rage. After all, Plagueis knew he couldn't be around all the time to clean up Sidious's messes.

With a casual wave, the raging and unprepared Sith found himself flung by a powerful push from the Force, sending him off his feet and into a wall. His back took the brunt of the damage, but his head bounced back enough to both clear his head and give him a splitting headache.

"Trouble, Senator?" Plagueis joked as he strolled over to the Naboo native, who remained where he landed in an undignified manner.

"Master," Sidious greeted with a growl, obviously wrestling with his emotions and his control of them.

"I would have let you continue, but time is not a luxury to us at the moment," Plagueis stated casually, offering Sidious a hand. The human refused to take it, glaring off into space. Into the Force, no doubt. "Very well, tell me what has rattled you so, my apprentice," Plagueis ordered offhandedly as he retracted the limb, folding his hands behind his back while walking towards the opening to the distant view of Coruscant's massive super structures.

"Maul failed. This "Darth Vader" was far too much for him," Sidious answered, almost robotically as he refused to look anywhere but right ahead with his gleaming yellow eyes.

"We were both aware of that. That he came back alive meant he was given a message. What concerns me is that the message made you kill a valuable asset at such a crucial time," Plagueis scolded, turning around to raise an eyebrow at Sidious.

"I knew you'd revive him," Sidious spat out, quickly losing his sneer as Plagueis turned to him fully. The senator looked away, knowing he was pushing it. He tried and failed to find the words as he bit his lip for a second. "He knows me, Master. He knows who I am," he admitted with a cold fury.

"And?" Plagueis inquired with a head tilt. "If it became public knowledge that Senator Palpatine is a Sith Lord, that would be disastrous, yes, but it would be one Sith of unknown origins claiming two very prominent members of society are Sith as well. Hard to prove, little reason to trust him and does not prove that we've done anything illegal in the slightest. Even if he tried to reveal it, there is plenty we c-" he started to lecture, only for Sidious to interrupt. Violently.

"He Knows Who I Am!" he screamed at his master, as if screaming it would make him understand his meaning clearly.

In a sense, it did as the Muun studied his student carefully while Sidious gripped his own hair with one hand in silent frustration. "What does he know, Sidious?" he asked in that soft, dark voice. A voice that Sidious both appreciated and dreaded. It was a powerful tone that told him that they would survive if he stuck close to Plagueis. And oh how Sidious hated when he HAD to rely on anyone but his own power and manipulations.

Darth Vader: Hero of NabooOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora