Chapter 30

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"Are you sure we can trust that Gungan of hers?" Sol Sixxa asked, walking alongside Vader as they made their way through a bustling host of soldiers within the forest. It was mainly Gungans, with their own Anti-Federation troops as well: Humans and Meres for the most part. Most of the Vulptereens were still in space, being the best pilots of the Anti-Federationists.

"You refer to Jar Jar Binks," Vader noted neutrally, keeping an extra sense on the nearest pile of Gungan bombs. He had no desire to test how his upgraded, insulated cybernetics faired against those at the moment. Against most normal electric-based weaponry, he'd be fine. But Boomas were plasma-based and had other properties. They worked on General Grievous, so Vader took that as a reason to not assume himself immune to them.

"That blasted fool nearly died five times the first day on the Clamator," Sol retorted in annoyance, looking over to see one of his fellow Meres instructing the Gungans on some of the weak points on a droid. The head was obvious, but several other points could quickly take a droid out of commission; Federation cheapness at its finest. Where to hit the tanks, now that was trickier.

"Yet he did not," Vader reminded meaningfully.

The amphibious humanoid eyed the Sith Lord and came to a halt. "If there's something important about him, I'd like to know it before we get into the thick of it," Sol stated pointedly.

Vader stopped as well, turning to the rebel. "Jar Jar Binks is a very...fortunate individual," he said in a deliberately vague manner.

"You mean he's lucky?" Sol asked skeptically. "I thought you Force-Types didn't believe in stuff like that?"

"He somehow survived getting lost on Coruscant and encountered at least two other Sith Lords in the same standard day, and one assisted him in finding his way back to the Queen," Vader stated bluntly.

Sol stared for a moment, looking just a bit unnerved. "Did one of those two cause the storm?" he asked carefully.

"Indeed. It is almost as if he is so incompetent that he becomes competent by pure accident," Vader stated in complete seriousness. While he was stretching it a bit in regards to this timeline, he was convinced some aspect of the Force kept an eye on the Gungan because Jar Jar Binks had, somehow, survived the Emperor's rise to power. He had expected the Gungan to wind up dead within the month after the rise of the Empire, but no, Sidious deliberately let the annoying Gungan live...for no apparent reason. It bothered Vader more than it should.

Both Sol and Vader looked over to see Jar Jar trying to mount a Kaadu...and somehow, he ended up sitting on it backward. "Oh no," Jar Jar moaned, trying to turn around before gracelessly falling off.

"Luck it is then," Sol accepted, knowing better than to question some quirks of the galaxy. "The droid army may be efficient in mobilizing, but it will still need time to get here."

"Will that be enough for your scheme?" Vader asked, his stare intense despite the mask blocking his eyes.

"It should be. These droids aren't that smart. Honestly, if we had a bit more time, I'd try lining the entire hill with explosives," Sol stated with a gurgling sound, his kind's version of a hum, before taking a step closer to Vader.

Vader was almost impressed by the Mere's lack of fear.

"The Queen and the Duke want Gunray alive. For good reason, I know," Sol said lowly. "But Gunray is better dead than free."

"Agreed," Vader answered, glancing to the side as she saw Padme discussing something with Gungans and humans alike. "I can sense your feelings, Sol."

The mere tensed, stepping back a bit. "So, those stories about Jedi are true as well," he said uneasily.

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