"I will never understand the fascination with cannons," Sixxa remarked as they took positions and began shooting as they peaked out from behind the base of the archway.

It was only a minute or so before the droids we firing on them as well, their blasters now in range of them.

"Dammit, do they ever run out?!" one of them yelled.

"Of ammo or droids?" the other called back in forced amusement.

"Yes!" the first answered in frustration.

"Keep calm," Sixxa advised sternly. "If you don't, you'll just miss more. Don't let it get to-"

The Naboo fell to the ground.

"Toals!" the Naboo sniper called out as Sixxa quickly leaned down, checking the soldier.

It was a testament to how many corpses he had seen, that Sixxa didn't react beyond a scowl when he saw the scorched and burst flesh around the side of the head. "He's dead!" he called over grimly.

"Shit," the survivor cursed, leaning against the archway.

Sixxa glanced back down the road and leaned back behind safety quickly. "They're getting too close. We need to make a run for it," he said, motioning to the street to the side.

The Naboo glanced at the dead body, a grimace on her face and a hard look as she tried to hold back tears.

"Trust me, he wouldn't want you joining him on the ground!" Sixxa barked loudly. "Now move!"

That got her moving, both of them running down the intersecting path.

"W-where now?!" the soldier called as they got away from the blaster fire.

"Another spot. An alley ideally," Sixxa suggested.

"What...what about the rooves?" she questioned.

"Unless we try roof hoping, we'll get pinned up there if the droids come after us," he warned knowingly. "Come on, over here!"

They ran between two buildings, Sixxa staying at the side to look down the street. He pulled back most of the way as the droids came into view. "Some of them are looking down here, but most of them are marching towards the palace. We'll have to be a bit-"

He stopped as he turned to the female Naboo and realized she wasn't listening. She was standing there, grasping her head with her eyes shut.

"...First time losing one of your own?" he asked in understanding.

"No. First time seeing them die in front of me like that," she answered, taking a deep breath.

Sixxa nodded. These weren't battle-hardened soldiers and this wasn't some cesspit planet that made law enforcement just as jaded as war veterans. "I get it. But I don't have time to talk you through this. So either pull yourself together or hide out in one of the houses."

She looked at him in surprise.

"I'm not judging. I don't know your name, so I couldn't say you deserted even if I wanted to. I'll just say you got lost, you make it up from there," Sixxa offered sternly.

"...My name is Setyn," she responded with a frown. "I just need...to ask a quick question."

Sixxa nodded.

"Is it better to vomit or just hold it in?" she asked with a grimace.

"I'd hold it in. I don't stop if I start," he answered honestly, glancing back to peek out down the street. "None of the droids are coming this way. We need to move."

Darth Vader: Hero of NabooWhere stories live. Discover now